Multiple Category Search – Advanced Hack
I was wondering if anyone can help on this. I have installed the Multiple Category Search Widget plugin. I was looking to see if it was possible to add some code to give the ability to generate a dropdown based on a selection of a particular category.
Currently, the code generates dropdowns of subcategories for each category. What I wanted to do is when a user selects a country (each country would be a seperate parent category) then the corresponding category dropdown of subcategories would generate. I presume this would involve some Javascript somewhere in the below code but I am a bit lost on how to go about this.
Here is the code so far with some small edits:
function wpmm_load_category()
if (!empty($_POST[‘wpmm’]))
$cats = $_POST[‘wpmm’];
$count = 0;
$sql = array();
foreach ($cats as $cat)
if ($cat == 0)
array_push($sql, $cat);
}query_posts(array(‘category__’.$_POST[‘mmctype’] => $sql));
}function widget_wpmm($args)
global $wpdb;$children = $wpdb->get_results(‘SELECT tx.term_id, tx.parent,
FROM ‘.$wpdb->term_taxonomy.’ as tx, ‘.$wpdb->terms.’ as t WHERE tx.taxonomy = “category”
AND t.term_id = tx.term_id AND tx.parent != 0
ORDER BY tx.parent, ASC’, ARRAY_A);$parents = $wpdb->get_results(‘SELECT tx.term_id,
FROM ‘.$wpdb->term_taxonomy.’ as tx, ‘.$wpdb->terms.’ as t WHERE tx.taxonomy = “category”
AND t.term_id = tx.term_id AND tx.parent = 0 AND != “Uncategorized”ORDER BY ASC’, ARRAY_A);
echo $before_widget;
echo $before_title . ‘<center> Search by Item and Location </center>’ . $after_title .’<center><form action=”” method=”post” id=”wpmm”>
foreach ($parents as $p)
echo ‘
<select name=”wpmm[]”>
<option value=”0″>’.apply_filters(‘single_cat_title’, stripslashes(str_replace(‘”‘, ”, $p[‘name’]))).'</option>’;foreach ($children as $c)
$selected = ”;if (!empty($_POST[‘wpmm’]))
foreach ($_POST[‘wpmm’] as $cat)
if ($cat == $c[‘term_id’])
$selected = ‘selected=”selected”‘;
}if ($p[‘term_id’] == $c[‘parent’])
echo ‘<option ‘.$selected.’ value=”‘.$c[‘term_id’].'”> ‘.apply_filters(‘single_cat_title’, stripslashes(str_replace(‘”‘, ”, $c[‘name’]))).'</option>’;
}echo ‘</select>’;
}$checked1 = ”;
$checked2 = ”;if ($_POST[‘mmctype’] == ‘and’)
$checked2 = ‘checked=”checked”‘;
else if ($_POST[‘mmctype’] == ‘in’)
$checked1 = ‘checked=”checked”‘;
$checked2 = ‘checked=”checked”‘;echo ‘Any <input type=”radio” name=”mmctype” value=”in” ‘.$checked1.’> All <input type=”radio” name=”mmctype” value=”and” ‘.$checked2.’>
<input type=”submit” value=”GO”></form></center>’.$after_widget;
}function wpmm_widgets()
{register_sidebar_widget(‘Multi-Category’, ‘widget_wpmm’);
add_action(‘plugins_loaded’, ‘wpmm_widgets’);?>
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