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  • Same issue here. Need to show more than one category using shortcode. Also other shortcode args not working like readmore=”true”, thumb=”false” and date=”false”.

    To display multiple categories type:


    Into ‘Limit to Taxonomy’ box.

    I dont understand. This is my current short code.

    [rpwe cat=”39,38″ limit=”5″ order=”DESC” orderby=”date” thumb=”false” date=”false” readmore=”true” length=”8″ excerpt=”true” readmore_text=”Read More ?”]

    Plugin Author Ga Satrya


    Please try change the cat with taxonomy="category=1,2,3"

    I’ll improve the shortcode function shortly.

    Ok Great. I ll try that. Thanks!

    Hi, i can’t seem to select more than one category from the tick box selection. If i select more than one it just defaults back to one?

    I have the similar situation and I am using following shortcode, however it is displaying everything not restricting to the given categories. I have also tried to putting only one category which is also not working in this scenario [rpwe limit=”1000″ taxonomy=”category=25,45,2,3,4″ date=”” excerpt=”true” length=”20″ thumb=”” thumb_height=”1″ thumb_width=”1″ readmore=”true” readmore_text=”Read More” styles_default=””]

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