• Resolved redwolf83


    First of all, thanks for your plugin, it is amazing.

    I set the plugin to post on a custom post type.

    All works perfect if I set only one category for the post.

    But if I set in subject 2 categories, the plugin takes only the last one that it founds.

    Ex. Subject: -cat1- -cat2- Title of post

    It set the post only in the cat2, also if the plugin found also the first.

    Here the debug code:

    tag_Categories: found categories
        [0] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [0] => -trompe-
                        [1] => -scenografia-
                [1] => Array
                        [0] => trompe
                        [1] => scenografia
    lookup_category: trompe
    category wildcard lookup: trompe
    category wildcard found: 34
    tag_Categories: subject:  -scenografia- Fontana di Apollo e Dafne
    lookup_taxonomy: 34 is in taxonomy portfolio_category
    tag_Categories: custom taxonomy portfolio_category
    lookup_category: scenografia
    category wildcard lookup: scenografia
    category wildcard found: 35
    tag_Categories: subject:   Fontana di Apollo e Dafne
    lookup_taxonomy: 35 is in taxonomy portfolio_category
    tag_Categories: custom taxonomy portfolio_category

    Can you fix it?

    I have programming knowledge, so if you have no time, please tell me where I have to put my hands on for this, and I fix it and publish it here, ok?

    Thanks for your attention

    Have a Nice Day,



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  • Thread Starter redwolf83


    Okay, resolved.

    postie-functions.php line 2755,2756,2757:

    $post_categories[] = $category;
    DebugEcho("tag_Categories: custom taxonomy $tax");
    wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $post_categories, $tax);

    Have a Nice Day,

    Cya ??

    Plugin Author Wayne Allen


    Thanks for reporting this. Looks like for custom taxonomies the default is to remove any existing terms. I’ve updated it so the terms are appended. Looks for an update shortly.

    Thread Starter redwolf83


    No prob sir, Thanks to you for your amazing plugin

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