• I’m not sure if this is currently possible or if this is a feature request. Is it possible to allow users to assign a link to more than one category?

    What would be nicer is to be able to have a category that groups all links in that particular library automatically. For example, a user might add a link to the category “library 1 – news” but on the back end, the link is categorized “library 1 – news” and “library 1 – all”. This would allow to have a drop down category selector, “show only one category at a time” selected and allow the user to see all links at one time since they can now choose “library 1 – all” from the drop down. The “library 1 – all” category could be set as the “Default category to be shown when only showing one at a time”. Users would then be able to go to a page, see all links upon arrival, then filter by category using the drop down.


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  • To have an “all links” category you’d have to do that manually as far as I know. I’m actually adding all my links to such a category and using that with “default category to be shown” and “show one category at a time”.

    The reason is that search results show links multiple times if that link is in multiple categories, but I noticed it does obey the above settings with the specified cat id. It then acts as a filter, preventing duplicate results.

    Note that I haven’t looked at new features and not updated the plugin for a while though, so maybe things have changed.

    As for other features you ‘ll have to wait for a next major version which I hear is gonna use it’s own content type or taxonomy which will have more possibilities. I asked for boolean logic (eg show links that are in cat X AND cat y) or even faceted filtering (show links based on eg. various custom field values).

    Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    I will add this to my list of feature requests. That being said, I will not be able to get to this until the fall. You can have users specify extra category through the notes or description fields until then.

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