• Hi all. This might sound a bit familiar but despite my effort searching through the forums, I didn’t seem to find a topic in regards to my question – and if there is, please excuse my occopying space and being blind.

    I know there’re posts about multiple blogs on the same database, and I assume the database is the MySQL database. My question, however, is that currently I have one blog running in English with the address (in the dictionary) https://www.aminlovewith.com/blog, and now I want to install another blog that runs in Chinese. When I installed a blog, I first created the MySQL database and then uploaded the wordpress files through FTP to my server, and so for my Chinese blog, I did the same – created a different MySQL database and then uploaded another set of wordpress files through FTP in this dictionary: https://www.aminlovewith.com/cnblog.

    Now, my question is, I want to have both of my blogs run in the same MySQL database AND run on the same set of wordpress files so that I don’t have to edit the template twice for example. But the problem is that, if I did have the two blogs run in the condition I just described, that would mean both of them are in the same dictionary, under the same subdomain.

    Could anyone kindly give me a hand? Is it possible to have both blogs like this?

    Thank you very much.

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