• Resolved 409industries



    I have dozens of websites on a VPS that have all began to fail when uploading to Dropbox. There is plenty of space at Dropbox for the uploads. This only began recently but some of my wordpress sites have not been able to backup for weeks. Others will sometimes get one backup to finish, while failing 90% of the time.

    Screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zezem4hqrxmrx9f/2020-03-24%2007_48_25-Logs%20%E2%80%B9%20BackWPup_logs%E2%80%94%20WordPress.jpg?dl=0

    Notice that the 3/17/20 backup did complete….?

    Here’s the logs from one of the sessions, but the error messages are all identical. Specifically:

    [24-Mar-2020 07:01:43] /home/website/public_html/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php: Dropbox API: incorrect_offset/.
    [24-Mar-2020 07:01:43] ERROR: Aborted by user!

    Aborted by user meaning the BackWPup process right, because I didn’t end the job manually.

    [INFO] BackWPup 3.7.0; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
    [INFO] WordPress 5.2.4 on https://www.pcoastbuilders.com/
    [INFO] Log Level: Normal
    [INFO] BackWPup job: pcoastbuilders_backup
    [INFO] Logfile is: backwpup_log_6fd651_2020-03-24_06-05-01.html
    [INFO] Backup file is: 2020-03-24_06-05-01_CB7TP5B501.zip
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:01] 1. Try to backup database …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:01] Connected to database pcoastbu_wp1 on localhost
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:02] Added database dump "pcoastbu_wp1.sql.gz" with 2.91 MB to backup file list
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:02] Database backup done!
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:02] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:04] Added "wp-config.php" to backup file list
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:04] 1356 folders to backup.
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:04] 1. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:04] Check WP Export file …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:04] WP Export file is a valid WXR file.
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:04] Added XML export "Pacific_Coast_Builders.wordpress.2020-03-24.xml" with 3.14 MB to backup file list.
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:05] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:05] Added plugin list file "Pacific-Coast-Builders.pluginlist.2020-03-24.txt" with 2.01 KB to backup file list.
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:05] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:05] Added manifest.json file with 3.33 KB to backup file list.
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:05] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:05:05] Compressing files as ZipArchive. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
    [24-Mar-2020 06:06:01] Backup archive created.
    [24-Mar-2020 06:06:01] Archive size is 322.62 MB.
    [24-Mar-2020 06:06:01] 13813 Files with 458.27 MB in Archive.
    [24-Mar-2020 06:06:03] 1. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:06:04] Authenticated with Dropbox of user: Aaron Ekinaka
    [24-Mar-2020 06:06:04] Uploading to Dropbox …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:06:04] Beginning new file upload session
    [24-Mar-2020 06:20:15] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
    [24-Mar-2020 06:28:53] /home/pcoastbuilders/public_html/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php: Dropbox API: incorrect_offset/...
    [24-Mar-2020 06:28:54] 2. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:28:54] Authenticated with Dropbox of user: Aaron Ekinaka
    [24-Mar-2020 06:28:54] Uploading to Dropbox …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:33:06] /home/pcoastbuilders/public_html/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php: Dropbox API: incorrect_offset/
    [24-Mar-2020 06:33:07] 3. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:33:07] Authenticated with Dropbox of user: Aaron Ekinaka
    [24-Mar-2020 06:33:07] Uploading to Dropbox …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:45:37] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
    [24-Mar-2020 06:50:09] /home/pcoastbuilders/public_html/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php: Dropbox API: incorrect_offset/..
    [24-Mar-2020 06:50:11] 2. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:50:11] Authenticated with Dropbox of user: Aaron Ekinaka
    [24-Mar-2020 06:50:11] Uploading to Dropbox …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:51:17] WARNING: Could not look up the file session.
    [24-Mar-2020 06:55:45] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
    [24-Mar-2020 06:59:22] /home/pcoastbuilders/public_html/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php: Dropbox API: incorrect_offset/
    [24-Mar-2020 06:59:23] ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts!
    [24-Mar-2020 06:59:23] 1. Trying to check database …
    [24-Mar-2020 06:59:24] Database check done!
    [24-Mar-2020 06:59:24] One old log deleted
    [24-Mar-2020 06:59:24] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 3263 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.
    [24-Mar-2020 07:00:30] /home/pcoastbuilders/public_html/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php: Dropbox API: incorrect_offset/...
    [24-Mar-2020 07:00:30] ERROR: Aborted by user!
    [24-Mar-2020 07:00:30] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 3329 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.
    [24-Mar-2020 07:01:43] /home/pcoastbuilders/public_html/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php: Dropbox API: incorrect_offset/.
    [24-Mar-2020 07:01:43] ERROR: Aborted by user!
    [24-Mar-2020 07:01:43] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 3402 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.
    [24-Mar-2020 07:09:27] ERROR: Aborted by user!
    [24-Mar-2020 07:09:27] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 3866 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.

    I have tried some of the options from other threads like:

    – Settings Maximum script execution time to 25 seconds
    – Set Reduce server load to minimum
    – Stagger backup jobs by 30 minutes

    Hopefully we can get this fixed, I have many jobs configured and this was working well for a long time. Very strange.

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  • Plugin Support happyAnt


    hmm please help me try this:
    Replacebackwpup/inc/class-destiation-dropbox-api.php with the one in here: https://gist.github.com/cuongdcdev/b2576d73f653baf4d801c3f1d033fe8c
    After that, run the job again.



    Having the same error on a few sites, unfortunately. Thank you @duongcuong96 for providing a patch; however, from the sites I’ve tested, it unfortunately hasn’t solved being able to upload to Dropbox.

    I am met with a different error, perhaps @409industries sees the same thing after testing the patch:

    [25-Mar-2020 08:02:53] Uploading to Dropbox …
    [25-Mar-2020 08:02:53] Beginning new file upload session
    [25-Mar-2020 08:07:09] WARNING: Could not look up the file session.
    [25-Mar-2020 08:13:20] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
    Thread Starter 409industries


    @duongcuong96 thanks for providing an updated file, I have downloaded it and overwrote the existing file in /backwpup/inc/

    @fakesteve yes, i am seeing a similar issue as the warnings you posted. Looks like something may be not working correctly with the new dropox-api.php file?

    [25-Mar-2020 10:58:52] Uploading to Dropbox …
    [25-Mar-2020 10:59:23] WARNING: Could not look up the file session.
    [25-Mar-2020 11:00:15] WARNING: Could not look up the file session.
    [25-Mar-2020 11:01:49] WARNING: Could not look up the file session.
    [25-Mar-2020 11:03:38] /home/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php: Dropbox API: (55) OpenSSL SSL_write: Broken pipe, errno 32
    [25-Mar-2020 11:03:39] ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts!
    Plugin Support happyAnt


    @fakesteve @409industries
    From my experiment, the issue is caused by a network issue.
    Can you possibly contact the hoster to ask them about it?



    @duongcuong96 Thanks for the quick update. It seems like the increased traffic globally may have something to do with it ?? I’ll try again soon.

    So your current recommendation is to keep going with the patched dropbox-api.php file and see if we can get through eventually, correct?

    Or is the whole thing a network issue?

    Plugin Support happyAnt


    hmm, yes I think so, was network issue from my experiment because other got issues also said that too and the issue got fixed after a while or with help from the server-side of the hoster.
    Normally it should really rare happens.



    Hello everyone, @duongcuong96 I’m having the same issues.

    Error Image

    [30-Mar-2020 14:23:33] 1. Intentando generar un archivo manifest …
    [30-Mar-2020 14:23:33] A?adido el archivo manifest.json con 2,88 KB a la lista de archivos de la copia de seguridad.
    [30-Mar-2020 14:23:33] 1. Intentando crear un archivo de copia de seguridad …
    [30-Mar-2020 14:23:33] Comprimiendo archivos como PclZip. Por favor se paciente, esto puede llevar un rato.
    [30-Mar-2020 14:51:03] ADVERTENCIA : El srabajo se reinicia debido a inactividad por más de 5 minutos.
    [30-Mar-2020 15:00:37] ADVERTENCIA : El srabajo se reinicia debido a inactividad por más de 5 minutos.
    [30-Mar-2020 15:00:37] 2. Intentando crear un archivo de copia de seguridad …
    [30-Mar-2020 15:05:48] ADVERTENCIA : El srabajo se reinicia debido a inactividad por más de 5 minutos.
    [30-Mar-2020 15:05:55] 2. Intentando crear un archivo de copia de seguridad …
    [30-Mar-2020 15:11:38] ADVERTENCIA : El srabajo se reinicia debido a inactividad por más de 5 minutos.
    [30-Mar-2020 15:11:38] 3. Intentando crear un archivo de copia de seguridad …
    [30-Mar-2020 15:21:09] ADVERTENCIA : El srabajo se reinicia debido a inactividad por más de 5 minutos.
    [30-Mar-2020 15:21:09] 3. Intentando crear un archivo de copia de seguridad …
    [30-Mar-2020 15:26:41] ADVERTENCIA : ?La se?al "SIGTERM" (Termination signal) se ha enviado al proceso!
    [30-Mar-2020 15:26:41] ADVERTENCIA : ?La se?al "SIGTERM" (Termination signal) se ha enviado al proceso!
    [30-Mar-2020 15:26:47] ERROR: Etapa abortada: demasiados intentos !
    [30-Mar-2020 15:26:48] 1. Intenta enviar el archivo de copia de seguridad a Dropbox …
    [30-Mar-2020 15:26:49] Identificación con Dropbox del usuario: **********
    [30-Mar-2020 15:26:49] Subiendo a Dropbox …
    [30-Mar-2020 15:26:50] 1. Tratando de comprobar la base de datos …
    [30-Mar-2020 15:26:50] Comprobación de base de datos realizada
    [30-Mar-2020 15:26:50] ERROR: Job mit Fehlern beendet in 3814 Sekunden. Sie müssen die Fehler für eine korrekte Ausführung beheben.




    Unfortunately, no change days later on the two sites that I’ve had trouble backing up to Dropbox (with the patch installed). Is there any further information I could provide for debugging @duongcuong96 ?

    Plugin Support happyAnt


    Please create another support request, thank you!

    Plugin Support happyAnt


    could you please help me by test the Dropbox backup in another VPS or hosting?
    Thank you!

    @duongcuong96 using the same patch? Or with the default plugin?

    Thread Starter 409industries


    @duongcuong96 I could ask my hosting provider about this, but they’re probably not going to know what to do about a “network issue” to my VPS. All other services are working just fine.

    I’m really at a loss on this one. I get literally dozens of failed backup job emails every morning. I’ve began to migrate my backup jobs to AWS S3 buckets which works with no issues. Its a long tedious process… ??

    There is probably some merit to your suggestion though. I have two VPS’s and this is only happening on one of them, not the other (the older CentOS6 server with PHP5.X), very strange.

    Plugin Support happyAnt


    it does not matter, you can use both.

    @409industries hmm can you try with a newer PHP version on that server?
    Thank you!

    @duongcuong96 I finally got both sites to backup successfully. Strangely enough, both were on completely different hosts, along with a third one that also settled itself. So it may very well have been a network capacity issue.

    Thread Starter 409industries


    Agreed. All my backups seemed to have starting working again without failing. No changes were made on my end since the first edits when the thread was started. I did not reach out to my VPS provider.

    Like @fakesteve mentioned this was more than likely over utilization on the Dropbox side of things.

    Thank you @duongcuong96 for offering help and troubleshooting assistance throughout! Top notch support.

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