• Resolved ronams


    I upgraded from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4. My Blog disappeared (www.strategy2execution.com/blog), but can be found on https://www.strategy2execution.com/blog/wp-admin. The database seems to be working and complete.
    A second problem was that got a blank page on Manage posts. Manage pages was ok. Since re-installing multiple times, now I only get “Page Cannot Be Displayed”. I can no longer even get Manage pages. When you click on Manage, the url is https://www.strategy2execution.com/blog/wp-admin/edit.php

    Some Issues:

    • I’ve checked the upgrade files (as downloaded and unzipped) and they mostly seem to have a carriage return after the ?> at the end files (e.g. edit.php and wp-config.php) This seems to be true in almost all the files I looked at. I’ve removed the carriage returns on those files, but can’t believe that’s the problem since it seems to exist on all the files I’ve looked at.
    • I’ve downloaded the upgrade and uploaded with my edited wp-config.php.
    • It’s not certain whether the .htaccess was backedup originally or not. I’ve recreated this file and have the right access (666)

    Please help. I’ve scoured the support pages and have been down for a couple of weeks trying to sort this out myself.

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  • 1) Apache error logs. If you don’t know where your logs are, check with your host. They should be able to point you to ’em.

    2) Gzip disable. Assuming you can get there… Options -> Reading. Uncheck “WordPress should compress articles (gzip) if browsers ask for them”

    Thread Starter ronams


    I can get into wp-admin and see everything except the Manage section. I can even get to that if I go to the right bottom part of the wp-admin area and look at blog stats then click on comments. From comments I click on edit comments and that takes me to edit-comments.php which allows me to see the other Manage options. I can click on any of them ok except posts. Posts goes to Page cannot be displayed. This is the same response as going to the main page from i.explorer.

    I will try to turn off the Gzip disable and see what happens.

    Thread Starter ronams


    I looked at options reading. Gzip compression was never checked, so didn’t have to change.
    Thanks for keeping on this. While I like a puzzle this getting ridiculous.

    just for grins, when you contact your host to ask about the location of your apache error logs, can you ask what version of PHP and MySQL you have too?

    Oh – and ask if mod_security is on. If so, has it always been on?

    Thread Starter ronams


    I have to do a web conference, but thought I’d let you know that I ran a check table on the MySQL on the posts table and it came back ok.

    I’ll follow up again in about an hour. If anyone has any additional ideas in the mean time please let me know.

    It probably died because you were inside that if block. It didn’t really get to the die statement, but skipped past it (since we know you have a wp-config.php file) and you thought that was the point.

    Try doing the die again moving it before each of these lines

    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/wp-config.php’);


    require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/template-loader.php’);

    That will give us a better idea.

    Thread Starter ronams


    [die(“test point”); //this shows up on i.explorer]
    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/wp-config.php’);
    [die(“test point”); //this shows up also on i.explorer]
    [die(“test point”); does not show up here. Goes to cannot display] What is wp(); doing to stop this?????
    [die(“test point”); does not show up here. Seems stopped at wp();]
    require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/template-loader.php’);

    This seems to be a positive to see where it is stopping processing. Hopefully this is useful.

    Well WP() is what actually parses the query variables. From here, the next best step might be to actually test inside the WP class from the Main method. You can find that in /wp-includes/classes.php. The Main method is towards the end of the file and looks like this:

    function main($query_args = '') {

    Just start doing the die test before each of those lines and that will help narrow it down even further. I know it’s a pain, but sometimes this is the only way to figure out what exactly is going on.

    Thread Starter ronams


    [die error message on i.e. is Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_EXIT, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /home/ronams/h2roadmap-www/blog/wp-includes/classes.php on line 1712]

    function main($query_args = ”) {
    [die test point shows up in i.e.]
    [die test point also ok here]
    [die test point also ok here]
    [die test point also ok here]
    [die test point does not show up here – cannot display page]
    [die test point does not show up – cannot display page]

    It looks like it fails on $this->query_posts();

    I assume that this is a MySql query that isn’t working.
    What’s next?

    Thread Starter ronams


    Ref Intoxination Great site. Great material.

    Thread Starter ronams


    I sent a message to my hosting firm OneWorldHosting about the problem and here is their response. They claim they have a program memory limitation of 2MB’s.

    I’d love any comments. I find the answer astounding. Especially since.
    1/ I have only started to use my blog and have about 20 posting and a few small file size images and .pdfs
    2/ There is no mention of a program file size limit on their site (that I can find)
    3/ There are no alarms/ warnings that I’m reaching some limitation
    4/ They advertize on their site how to set up a WordPress Blog

    I have asked for a better answer. My blog file is actually 7MB, but have three blog directories, since having tried to get my blog back up. That is why they’re saying I have 18MB (it is all three directories I assume). The problem probably started at 6 MB. Is this a limit with other hosts?

    {From One World Hosting}
    Your program surpassed the 18meg memory limit set in php. Its possible that was adjusted downword at some point. The default is 2megs but we do make exceptions so its possible it has been raised or lowered.

    Your program should work now Ive boosted the limit to 38 megs.

    Thread Starter ronams


    Here is another posting about WordPress and PHP memory limits.

    I’m so glad to hear you have a solution. I’m SO puzzled to hear that a php memory constraint was causing those redirects… but hey, if it works now, great!

    Thread Starter ronams


    I’m obviously thrilled to be back up. But…. Mine is small blog so far and it seems inconceivalble that I would hit a limit so quickly. Especially and unadvertized limit.
    I think there would be great value in adding this caution to the installation /upgrade guide. There was no warnings or obviously no info on the web or here that made solving this even close to easy. Anything that can be done to help those following me would be appreciated. People were pretty much stumped in trying to help.

    I think there would be great value in adding this caution to the installation /upgrade guide. There was no warnings or obviously no info on the web or here that made solving this even close to easy. Anything that can be done to help those following me would be appreciated. People were pretty much stumped in trying to help.

    You have a point — but only to an extent (imho)

    As you might guess, 2MB php limits doesn’t happen very often! Most *nix distros seem to default at 8MB, for instance. Also, Your usage goes up with plugins and such more than content (and, of course, WP adding new features).

    That being said, the memory exhausted would show up in your apache error logs. We mentioned them briefly in this thread, but I don’t think we ever chased those down. In hindsite…

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