• Hi,
    I use wordpress multisite for make websites for my company.But now I have a issue with ranking factor.When I deeply study about this issue, i found that primarily domain also indexed on google with website.
    My wordpress panel primary website is https://surajrealtors.co.in/. I make a website https://aipljoystreet.org. But when you search on google, you can see https://surajrealtors.co.in/aipl is also indexed there.If you have nay solution please reply.I think, Robots.txt is a solution but i don’t know what folders will disallow or noindex.

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  • I see that you are using the latest version of the YOAST SEO plugin (3.0.7) and that it is including on the header section of the pages a canonical link to the correct site (https://aipljoystreet.org).

    Your robots.txt isn’t blocking Google in any way

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-admin/
    Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

    By searching in Google for “inurl:surajrealtors.co.in/aipl” I get 4 results. If I try to visit one of those, I get redirected to the correct address.

    Furthermore, let’s analyze the redirection that is happening here. I have used https://www.redirect-checker.org/ to pretend I am Googlebot itself, and it returns me a 302 – moved permanently, as expected:

    301 Moved Permanently
    200 OK

    Everything here is correct and Google should be displaying only the https://aipljoystreet.org addresses. Technically, there’s nothing WordPress-related that you should change to fix this. It should take a moment for Google to recognize and change theses addresses.

    If you’d like to speed up the process, you can use the Google Webmaster Tools at https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home?hl=en and click the “Google Index -> Remove URLs” function to remove these URLs from the Google results.

    I’d do the following:

    1, look at the sitemap and look for errors, if there are some then you can plan how you’ll sort them – otherwise you’re fighting in the dark!

    2, Run something like Screaming Frog [free] to see what’s redirecting etc., if duplicates are being created [which hurts rankings] and a whole host of other things

    3, Look at Webmaster tools, especially at the HTML improvement section, the crawl errors and then I’d use the robots.txt tester to refine my robots.txt file, so that google find the pages I want to serve and not what it thinks is the best.

    4, Like Ruda suggested use the remove URLs tool on Webmaster tools to speed this up.

    5, Build links to the page you want to get index / higher in SERPs

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