• I’ve been testing wordpress with a multi site configuration for the last 3 days, I find WordPress at least with multi site setup too fragile.
    for me with with Windows 10, Apache 2.4 PHP 7 and wordpress 4.7.3. WordPress multi sited did not work until I changed Apache’s Directory directive AllowOveride to all.

    Still, after creating new sites I was getting some PHP error having to do email not found.

    I installed 3 themes I purchased from Themeforest 2 of 3 gave PHP related errors, OK not WordPresse’s fault, I may or may not have been able to correct the problems (I don’t do much PHP coding). my complaint is the installation of at least one of themes caused the preview functionality to stop working. I was never able to make it work, even after clearning the browsers cache, deleting the themes I had puchased, and deactivting the plugins by renaming the plugin directory… I guess the only solution left is reinstalling wordpress…again. not sure if it’s possible with PHP, but there should be better error isolation.
    PLS don’t consider this flaming as I’m not upset I’m only sharing my experience, hopefully it will help other people, particularly the Apache Directory directive as I wasted a lot of time to identify this was a problem.

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  • Still, after creating new sites I was getting some PHP error having to do email not found.

    That’s standard on a WAMP installation. WAMP doesn’t have any sort of email sending functionality built in, so when the site tries to send an email it gets that error message from the server. To work around this ther are several SMTP plugins that will let you route emails through an external SMTP server that you have access to.

    If you’re having problems with commercial (purchased) themes, you should seek help from the themes authors.


    Thread Starter cruzmiester


    just an update, I downgraded my php 7.1.? to php 7.0.? and it seems the php errors are gone.
    I did the downgrade because I noticed one of the files that was causing an error was a WP file.


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