• Hello
    I have some question
    1- Can I use multi sites to make two sites one is English and another is Arabic site by using po/mo files ??

    2- what is better for multi sites, subdomain or subfolder??

    3- Both subfolder and subdomain are required me to do special setting in my cPanel or both are just virtual site??

    4- what is the best – make two sites by two database or – make two sites by using multisites ??

    Thank you

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  • Hello moazbasha,

    If you are working on wordpress then use one domain, one folder, one database..
    for this use WPML plugin, it is a multilanguage plugin for wordpress having the functionality for multiple languages by using .po, .mo files..

    Thread Starter moazbasha


    Thanks for reply
    I have tried this plugin before but I didn’t like it because for arabic site some contents of theme must be at right side (rtl)
    WPML plugin doesn’t support modify CSS for each language therefor I must make two sites. To make special CSS for each site

    My question is if I can make two sites by two languages by po/mo files using multi sites




    how did you manage this?
    Currenlty i have same situation like you.
    if I can make two sites by two languages by po/mo files using multi sites?

    Thread Starter moazbasha


    I have tried two solution & I prefer WPML Plugin

    You can use multisites or WPML plugin



    i choose multisites instead of WPML. now only one help needed.

    How to call different PO/MO files for theme based on different sites in multisite.

    for e.g
    German — de_DD.mo
    Nedharland – nl_NL.mo

    But over here in wp-config.php — i can set only one language in ‘WP_LANG’ options for main language.

    Thread Starter moazbasha


    From My wp-cnfig.php file

    define('WPLANG', '');

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    If you want each site to have it’s own language, you can use PHP if-checks in your wp-config:

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    If you want each site to have it’s own language, you can use PHP if-checks in your wp-config:

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    If you want each site to have it’s own language, you can use PHP if-checks in your wp-config:

    if ( $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "domain-en.com" ) { define('WPLANG', 'en_us'); }
    if ( $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "domain-nl.com" ) { define('WPLANG', 'NL_nl'); }

    And so on.



    @ipstenu – Mike
    Finally i solved it, I am sharing this so it might be useful for someone

    @mika, The way you are doing will not work for multisite:

    If you see the function at wp-includes/i10n.php

    function get_locale() {
        global $locale;
        if ( isset( $locale ) )
            return apply_filters( 'locale', $locale );
        // WPLANG is defined in wp-config.
        if ( defined( 'WPLANG' ) )
            $locale = WPLANG;
       // If multisite, check options.
        if ( is_multisite() ) {
            // Don't check blog option when installing.
            if ( defined( 'WP_INSTALLING' ) || ( false === $ms_locale = get_option( 'WPLANG' ) ) )
                $ms_locale = get_site_option('WPLANG');
            if ( $ms_locale !== false )
                $locale = $ms_locale;
        if ( empty( $locale ) )
            $locale = 'en_US';
        return apply_filters( 'locale', $locale );
    }le', $locale );

    This function assumes, that if you have multiple websites and one wp-config.php, then this variable should be loaded from the database under totally different name $locale.

    So be careful and remember that after installing WordPress multisite, translation files are loaded according to the site meta WPLANG, which is saved in DB. And don’t try to update this value from the admin panel, because it is buggy and does not work. Just go to the database with phpmyadmin and change the value there.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    How would that not work?

    Don’t set locale globally, set it per-site.

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