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  • Plugin Author Bastien Ho



    since version 2.7, a new multisite extension is available.
    There is not yet intergation with the widget, but you can call the schortcode like this :
    [events_list blogs="all"]

    or for specific blog IDs :
    [events_list blogs="1,5,6"]

    Some hooks have been integrated to add more parameters or filtering blogs such as :

    filter: eventpost_params
    filter: eventpost_multisite_get
    filter: eventpost_multisite_blogids

    the documentation is beeing writing.


    Thread Starter schulz


    Will the multi-site extensions work with the [events_map] and [events_cal] as well?

    Looking forward for the multi-site widget integration or its own separate widget.

    Also I have a feature request:

    Map flag colour selector, is it possible to be able for the admin to label them in the future? That way when a pointer hovers over them it will show what the colour means. EX: Pink = Reserved, Red = Age of Majority


    a better idea is be able to have the map flag colours assigned based on blog categories.

    Thread Starter schulz


    I have updated to the most recent Event Post plug-ins, however the new multi-site extension does not seem to be working?

    Using: [events_list blogs=”all” nb=-1 future=1]

    Only shows posts from my primary site.

    Plugin Author Bastien Ho



    I’ve just commited a patch, because only 100 first blogs where scanned.
    Unfortunatly, on big networks, usage of “all” may cause memory limit.

    I’ll try to optimize SQL queries very soon.

    Thread Starter schulz


    My network consists of only 22 sites, something else must be causing issue.

    If you wish, you can visit the site: and use the contact form to provide your email address so that I can give temporary network adnin access to my site. Hopefully that will give you what you need to find out what is wrong.

    You can find short codes on the following pages:


    Plugin Author Bastien Ho


    after some time searching the origin of the issue, I still don’t know why, but, on your primary blog, there is a filter which exclude all posts being in the 1rst category, whatever the blog it comes from.
    The query is always altered with :

    `[tax_query] => WP_Tax_Query Object
    [queries] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [taxonomy] => category
    [terms] => Array
    [0] => 1

    [include_children] =>
    [field] => term_id
    [operator] => NOT IN


    [relation] => AND

    If you create another category, and put the posts inside, they will be displayed on your primary blog.

    The problem doesn’t exists on the “sandbox” blog.

    Sorry, I can’t help more, you must have a setting in another plugin or theme.

    Does anyone have an idea ?

    Thread Starter schulz


    I have found the plug-in that is causing the issue:

    Paid Memberships Pro – Version 1.7.11 a plug-in to Handle Memberships [ ] – By Stranger Studios [ ]

    I have disabled/enabled one by one every plug-in in use on the primary site to find this conflict. Paid Memberships Pro is disabled for now, however a workaround or solution will be needed. Perhaps Bastien Ho can contact the Paid Memberships Pro developer to see if there is a way for both Event Post and Paid Memberships Pro be able to coexist?

    Plugin Author Bastien Ho



    good stuff. I’ve just opened a new thread on the paid memberships pro support page :

    Plugin Author Bastien Ho


    Can you try with this ?

    Hey there,

    This is most likely the search filter. Try switching the “Filter searches and archives?” option to “No” in the Memberships > Advanced Settings page and see if that helps.


    Thread Starter schulz


    I have tried the above and it seems that an event from another blog does now show when I made the change to ‘Filter searches and archives?’.

    Before I read your reply to this post I also have created a separate blog/site for the events posts.

    The original /events/ slug has not been removed, instead renamed to /events1/ so that we can still test stuff on the main site.

    On the new /events/ blog site the events_list seems to working (just like the ‘sand box’ one did) however the events_cal does not seem to support the blogs=”all” feature? The events_map feature seems to show an event location from the other blog, however I do not have enough events on other blogs to see if it is working correctly.

    Plugin Author Bastien Ho


    Yep, for new blogs, post are included in the first category, so they pass the test : category=1

    Thread Starter schulz


    There will be no ‘blog posts’ in the new ‘events’ site, it was set-up just to get around the plug-in conflicts. This set-up also has other benefits so I will likely keep it this way.

    Looks like only one more thing to fix:

    The events_cal does not seem to support the blogs=”all” feature? The calendar in the new ‘events’ site is empty.

    [events_cal blogs=”all” datepicker=1]

    The events_map feature in the new ‘events’ site seems to show all event locations from the other blogs.

    [events_map blogs=”all” nb=-1 future=1]

    Still waiting on development of Multi-site Event Post Widget ??

    Thank you for your patience and work on these issues.

    Thread Starter schulz


    Has this been forgotten?

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