• Resolved randon


    The plugin works very well with the different languages!

    I have created a language category for each language.
    I created a separate page on the site for each language and used the shortcut for that language:

    [vsel event_cat=”en” posts_per_page=”5″] – the page with english events
    [vsel event_cat=”fr” posts_per_page=”5″] – the page with french events

    I use the summery text on the events page with a title link to the single event.
    This is to get the links of the single events also in Google Search Engine.

    (I have created the events in the dashboard and specified the language of the event and the category as well)

    Everything works fine except the summery text. The summery text is always in the wrong language.

    How can I solve this? I would like to use the summery text on the page with all events.

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  • Plugin Author Guido



    I don’t fully understand this, because if you’re using different categories for every language, you also have created events in every language, am I right? So the summary is also in that language. Or are events multi-lingual?


    Thread Starter randon


    Hi Guido,

    Yes I use different categories for every language and create events in every language.

    If I add a French summary in a French event and then add an English summary in an English translation of the same event and then go to the events pages I see that both the English and the French event have the English summary.
    Same with the “more info” url.

    Maybe that’s because I link them together in the “events settings –> translations”?

    However, I do the same with posts and it works there.
    The advantage of linking together (if it concerns the same event but in another language) is that a user can switch from the English version to the French version of the same event.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by randon.
    Plugin Author Guido


    Hi Randon,

    Ok, the event itself is multi-lingual. That’s best practice.

    Which plugin are you using? Polylang?


    Thread Starter randon


    Yes Polylang.

    I do the same with posts.
    I fill in the excerpt and on the home page I only see the summary and featured image.
    Then someone can click on the link and go to the article.

    I would like to do the same for events.
    In addition, I would like to use a url (More info) that is different per language, because in French it goes directly to the French url of the site and in English to the English version.

    Plugin Author Guido


    Hi Randon,

    Ok, I have installed Polylang with 2 languages and activated custom post type support via Polylang settings.

    I have created 1 event in these 2 languages and it works as expected when changing language in both backend as frontend. All fields are multi-lingual including summary and more info.

    You can check for yourself, please see my temp demo here.

    Maybe I found what’s happening at your site… the page that contains the VSEL shortcode must be multi-lingual as well.


    Thread Starter randon


    Hi Guido,

    Without success.

    I had indeed created the pages per language.

    The event categories in events.
    category english – language english – slug: en
    category fran?ais – language fran?ais – slug: fr

    The events pages:
    events-en –> language english –> shortcut [vsel event_cat=”en”]
    events-fr –> language fran?ais –> shortcut [vsel event_cat=”fr”]

    Then created single events:
    single-event-en –> language english –> category english
    english summary and english more info url
    single-event-fr –> language fran?ais –> category fran?ais
    french summary and french more info url

    The more url of both are the same (the last one changed). The same in the events page and in the single event page.
    The summary in the events page is the same too but the summary in the single event page is ok.

    Do I have to change some VSEL settings?


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by randon.
    Plugin Author Guido



    I do not use different event categories for each language. In frontend WP itself selects the correct events depending on the active language. When I look at the events page in my dashboard I see double events > 1 for each language. But when editing you do see the double events are connected.

    I have activated the summary in the VSEL page settings, that’s all.


    Thread Starter randon


    Hi Guido,

    Thanks for your help.

    No success.
    Unfortunately I can’t show you the site because I work on my test site locally.

    I have removed all categories in events.
    I also removed the categories on the events page [vsel event_cat=”en”] –> [vsel]

    Both events are still linked in: edit event –> event settings –> translations.

    Have again changed the summary of the French event (french summary) and that of the English event (english summary).
    Ditto the “more info” url.

    But the French summary and “more info” url have been changed back to the English one.

    In polylang Custom post types and Taxonomies all options are activated:

    – Landing Pages
    – My Templates
    – Events
    – Event categories

    ps: What is “Select field: white”?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by randon.
    Plugin Author Guido



    I have added some screenshots on my test site here, this will help you to understand how I did it. It works fine over here.

    In frontend of my test site I use the Polylang language switcher widget.

    Polylang settings: “Landing Pages” and “My Templates” are not part of my plugin, so guess they are part of your theme or another plugin.

    “Select field” can be ignored, that was an extra field added with the ACF plugin ??


    Thread Starter randon


    I created exactly the same two events.

    It works great, until I link both events together (like in your image: switch to NL, switch to EN).
    After linking when I click on an event they both change to the same Location, More info url and Summary.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by randon.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by randon.
    Plugin Author Guido



    I create an event in Eng.
    I save event.
    I switch to NL inside the editor, via that Polylang box.
    I insert the NL text. You can overwrite the Eng text if present.
    I save event.
    Now 2 events are created: Eng and NL.
    I also have 2 pages with the VSEL shortcode, in both languages.

    This is how it works.. so I don’t understand what is happening over there. Is there a way you can create a live test site, so I can take a look?


    Thread Starter randon


    Hi Guido,

    To show the single events have you created 2 “single event” templates (in english and dutch)?
    My template condition: single post –> events –> all
    I created one in the English language and in the Dutch language.

    Which VSEL shortcut code do you use in the “events” and “evenementen” pages?

    Which settings do you have enabled in VSEL?
    I didn’t enable anything in GENERAL.
    I enabled “Link to the event page”, “Show a date icon instead of a label” and “Show a summary instead of all event info” in PAGE.
    I only enabled “Event category: hide” in SINGLE EVENT.

    Your Dutch event and your English event don’t have the same url structure, could that have something to do with it?
    Your English event: https://www.yourdomain.nl/wordpress/events/
    Your Dutch event: https://www.jouwdomein.nl/wordpress/nl/evenementen


    Plugin Author Guido


    Hi Randon,

    My template condition

    Don’t understand this. I only have created 2 event pages and there are 2 events (1 ENG and 1 NL). Are you using a pagebuilder?

    Which VSEL shortcut code do you use

    Only [vsel] indeed.

    Your Dutch event and your English event don’t have the same url structure

    Permalink is set on post name. But Polylang does the rest. Guess default language is without language prefix in URL and other language is with prefix (nl).


    Plugin Author Guido


    Your Dutch event and your English event don’t have the same url structure

    Just checked the “URL modifications” (settings) of Polylang itself. Both work:

    The language is set from content
    The language is set from the directory name in pretty permalinks

    Thread Starter randon


    Hi Guido,

    Thanks for your reply and your help.
    I really appreciate it.

    Yes, I use a page builder.

    I just removed all event templates and tried again. Same problem.
    When I link the events together in the event settings (switch to…) no matter what I do and try, one event overwrites the other (however, only the VSEL information: location, more info url, label, summary).
    I just tested without summary but the result is the same. The VSEL information is overwritten. The VSEL information is not multi-language on my system.

    I don’t have this problem in Posts.
    I also didn’t have the problem with the calendar software I had on the site before.


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