thx for your reply and your offer for further support. But I believe there is no need for this.
In the meantime I had a closer look to it and … no, it’s not really a bug. Here is what I found …
In the plugin you add js to add the element to the page. To do so you use the id of the form:
>>> file:: scripts-general.js >>>
if(jQuery(‘#pirate-forms-maps-custom’).length > 0){
jQuery(‘#pirate-forms-maps-custom’).html(jQuery(‘<input name=”xobkcehc” type=”‘ + ‘xobkcehc’.split(”).reverse().join(”) + ‘” value=”‘ + pirateFormsObject.spam.value + ‘”><span>’ + pirateFormsObject.spam.label + ‘</span>’));
As you use the id of the form and an id should be unique on a page the element is only placed in the first element with this id on the page.
A workarround could be to use the class instead of the id. This would add the element to all forms with this class on this page … I tried it … and it works for me.
But to be honest: this could not be an official solution for a public wp-plugin. In your code for your form you use for nearly every element an ID … and the result of using such a form in a multiple way on a page are many multiple IDs on the page.
Actual there is no correct way to use the plugin (Priate Form Light) for multiple forms on one page. But to be honest: using identically multiple forms on one page like in my case is a very special case for which this plugin has not been created.
If you would develop the plugin to use it this way you would have to change the whole html-css-structure throwing away most of the used IDs. But this would cause the loss of backwards compatibility and causes errors for the users who uses custom css for the form on their page.
So the best way is to let the plugin be for what it has been created: a VERY SIMPLE and QUICK single form plugin. This is the reason why I use it and why I like it. People who would like to use multiple forms on a page should use other plugins or your extended version.
Best regards