• Hello,

    Is it possible to create multiple “content areas”. For example… I am working on a site that has the standard content area but it also has 3 “boxes”. Each box contains its own content and i would like to make the content for each one editable in the admin. Is there a plug-in to achieve this or would it be possible to do with “custom fields”? Or is there a completely different way of doing it?

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  • Yes, it’s totally possible

    You’ll have to understand some WordPress basics principle to do so :


    With this principle, and some skills in CSS/web design, you’ll should be able to figure out how to make differents box contents…

    Think in category :

    ————main content————
    –Loop to display the main content–

    Then, you can make some categories exclusive for other boxes :

    —————-Box 1—————
    — Loop to display category box 1 —

    —————-Box 2—————
    — Loop to display category box 2 —

    And, of course, all the stuff in these boxes will be “posts” that you can add/edit in wordpress…


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