Really cool site. It’s very nice the way you have the sections broken up into different categories with subheadlines spread around the home-page like a magazine format. Also like the mp3 blog & Poster blog, to keep a running tally on those mediums. The black backgrouds, green and orange and other colors look good. The row of (random?) photos across the footer (from flikr?) looks great too. Clean & information-rich layouts.
How about the mouseover action on the sub-sections of the homepage! Nice touch because it kind-of gives the reader some visual feedback and makes the eye zoom in on that section. It’s subtle (turning black backgrounds to dark gray for example). Also in the articles, having the links highlight-up with underline orange, only when mousing-over the article. That’s good.
You can tell it was influenced by print-design. And that is a good thing for distribution of visual space and weights and the movement of your eye across the page.