• Is there any way to use W3TC as a “must use plugin” by putting it in the /mu-plugins folder? I know there are caveats with mu-plugins, specifically how they do not use Activation Hooks. I just want to know if there is a way to modify the plugin so it will work on the multisite setup I am creating.


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  • I would like to know the same.

    Following up here, I found this gist which has really helped get us most of the way there:


    We are using nginx instead of apache, so the rewrite rule we needed was:

    rewrite ^/(?:[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/(.*) /wp-content/mu-plugins/plugins/w3-total-cache/$1 last;

    The final step that I’m stuck on is the w3tc plugin activation action is not running for new sites, so the CDN queue table does not get created. I will post back once I have a solution for that.

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