• Resolved Marklcm


    I am building a new site on bluehost, and noticed a plugin in the mu-plugin folder I didn’t install (sso.php).
    the info at the top of the plugin is
    Plugin Name: SSO
    Author: Garth Mortensen, Mike Hansen
    Version: 0.1
    License: GPLv2 or later
    License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
    I googled the authors and find they are employed by bluehost, so asked bluehost about. They advise following:
    “Ok. Looks like that file came from wordpress not from here. It’s one of the wordpress core files. Our dev’s wrote it, but it was distributed through wordpress, not through bluehost.”
    Does anybody know anything about this?

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  • Hey everyone. The sso file is a file we add during the install process to allow you to single sign on from within your control panel. You likely used this feature when you signed up and installed WordPress.

    @ Mike Hansen: Who is/are the “we” you have mentioned? Also, I have been using BlueHost for nearly three years and that mu-plugins folder with the SSO file just showed up today (08/02/2015) without my having done anything different or new at all. Also, this morning I had received an e-mail from BlueHost saying my sites need to have WordPress updated, but I had already done that several days ago.

    @leejosepho I am one of the authors of that file. It is actually a clone of code in the MOJO Marketplace plugin. I am a Bluehost employee. We are installing this as an mu plugin when you use the WordPress tools mentioned above. It is also installed on some of the installs that do not use the MOJO installer. Like mentioned above, you can delete the file and nothing bad will happen. If you try to use a feature that requires the plugin in the future it will be auto-installed again.

    We are installing this as an mu plugin when you use the WordPress tools mentioned above.

    I am not convinced it was not already there before I discovered “WordPress tools” even existed and I immediately set about disabling, deactivating, deleting and so on, but that all sounds fine to me, Mr. Mike, and I thank you for the info!

    @mike Hansen – There is a code typo in the MOJO Marketplace plugin versions 0.7.0 and 0.7.1 that is blowing up/killing other scheduled cron jobs (not all of them, but several in one of my plugins ;)). Took me a while to figure out what was causing the problem due to being a visually “invisible” issue.

    File: /inc/base.php
    Code Line: 103
    Typo: The $shedule variable is missing the “c” in $schedules.
    function mm_cron_schedules( $shedules ) {

    Correction (also added the other additional “schedules”):

    function mm_cron_schedules( $schedules ) {
    	$schedules['hourly'] = array(
    		'interval' => 3600,
    		'display' => __('Once Hourly')
    	$schedules['twicedaily'] = array(
    		'interval' => 43200,
    		'display' => __('Twice Daily')
    	$schedules['daily'] = array(
    		'interval' => 86400,
    		'display' => __('Once Daily')
    	$schedules['weekly'] = array(
    		'interval' => 604800,
    		'display' => __( 'Once Weekly' )
    	$schedules['monthly'] = array(
    		'interval' => 2635200,
    		'display' => __( 'Once a month' )
    	return $schedules;

    @mike Hansen – one other thing I noticed is that you are not clearing your crons on plugin deactivation, which would be a good idea to do in general for troubleshooting, etc. ??


    @aitpro nice catch. We have an update going out sometime soon. I will get this fixed in it.

    @mike – Thanks glad to help. Took apart the entire car and put it back together and then noticed that the tire was flat. ha ah hahahahh ha. Yeah man code typos are the toughest type of thing to debug especially when no errors are being thrown. You know exactly what I am talking about. ?? Very nice coding working in MOJO!

    I would like to add one thing about this SSO discussion. Understandably, Bluehost is getting a lot more aggressive about keeping WordPress and plugins updated. To that end they announced recently that Bluehost will do it automatically if we do not (they were far more polite that that, of course). If you wish to shut that off automatic updates you (the Bluehost client) must go to WordPress Tools in cpanel and turn it that off.

    (on a separate note, my cpanel says updates are NOT off even though I disabled them. Tech Support said it’s a display error and they are in fact disabled)

    I also only ever do manual installs. Therefore, based on Mike’s comments above, I am guessing that utilizing “WordPress Tools” caused the sso.php file to install.

    @mike Hansen – Thanks for chiming in. With respect: As a developer, and someone who needs to be on top of everything, I would have liked notification that this was happening.

    Me personally, if I want managed wp hosting, I can get that with godaddy for a buck a month. I pay extra to have full control. I have a business pro plan with hostmonster and they, being the same company, did the same thing. Not feelin too Pro.

    This crushed my site! What is worse, there is no “themes” folder in wp-content, which means the folder is deleted. Go to hell you and your plugin @mike Hansen. Disaster!

    This plugin does not touch the themes folder but if you would like to provide any details, I can look into it.

    Themes folder is deleted. Gone. Don’t have any more detail. Site is blank homepage now.

    @darkomac – Use your host’s backup file restore and just restore the themes folder.

    Thread Starter Marklcm


    as the original poster, I have marked this as resolved. I think @mike Hansen has replied and outlined what the plugin does and why, as requested back then.

    @mike hanson, i loved away from bluehost (due to bad experiance with support and server speed 2 years down the flippin drain and loss of clients for me, i was a reseller btw)

    today i am with linode (lowest server spec but blimey it’s freakin fast) and would like to know where to remove the SSO files and any other files BH installed.

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