• I’m sure this board is getting pounded with people who are trying out WordPress since the licensing was announced for MovableType 3.
    Count me in as one of the WordPress hopefuls. I have a site that I am trying out with WordPress 1.x. Word Press is looking to be a great project and hopefully one that will be hugely successful.
    One of the biggest differences that I see as a long-time Movable Type user is that the tag system in Movable Type is relatively easy to use and understand. It doesn’t matter what language it’s in for me as an end user. I learn the syntax and use the tags. I don’t have to dig around to make the tag work. It just is. Sure, it isn’t perfect. There are many flaws with Movable Type…
    The issue(s) that I think will slow WordPress adoption are the things that made Movable Type so popular. Movable Type’s tags are simple. Their functionality is simple. While on the surface, Word Press seems simple, it appears to have some extra developer/code wiz/magic/power buried in php files. This is nice if I want to dive around and make potentially damaging edits and hack about. It is not nice if I want a tag to behave in a certain way, but discover that an assumption has been made about how I’m going to use that tag and that assumption is hard-coded.
    This is the beauty of Movable Type (and to the advanced developer, I’m sure it’s biggest flaw): I get what I put into my template and no more. I have the power to use the templates and tags as I see fit (and suffer the pains if I don’t follow correct syntax). It’s kind of like Lego, in a way. It’s blocky, but if I use the right pieces, I can build a car or a spaceship or a house.
    The same can be said for WordPress. It’s Lego, but at a higher resolution. Which is great on the surface. However, I start to see that the bricks fit together only a certain way. In the case of Word Press, the tags generate extra markup. This can be a wonderful thing and wow, that’s cool that the php file a couple of directories down does that. However, that approach smacks of developer-centric thinking (as opposed to developing toward stupid end user thinking, i.e. me.). The example that comes to mind is that category tag(s) in WordPress have been thought of as only used in a list form. That’s great for most uses, but it closes up other uses; uses that may not even exist until some super creative person shows us all an amazing new way to use category tags. By putting a developer assumption ahead of the user, it limits the end user. I have to go through code gymnastics (and cause issues when I upgrade) by hacking buried files.
    WordPress isn’t alone in this type of thinking. Textpattern doesn’t (at least as of this writing) have a way to handle publish dates without a plugin. The author of Textpattern has a preference and that is to not use publish date as a navigational aid. That’s his perogative, but I believe it closes off people wanting to use Textpattern for things besides blogs. It’s the main reason I’m attempting to use WordPress and not Textpattern.
    I think it would behoove WordPress to open itself up (I know it’s free and the source code blah blah blah) by closing itself. I’m not talking about licensing. I’m talking about how the developers view end users. I’m talking about developing for people who don’t know php, and don’t want to know it beyond getting their latest rant up or publishing their photos for whoever. Perhaps all it needs is some wonderful person to produce a template that is catered less to PHP and coder-centric thinking and more towards smart-ass internet publisher who might not want to know everything PHP.
    Word Press is an amazing piece of work. This isn’t meant as a “WordPress sucks” diatribe. Only wondering if the developers are considering taking WordPress more mainstream? Will it continue from a developer-centric view or will the diletantte be considered as well? Will user-testing ever be a possibility? (I know WordPress is free.)
    Does WordPress want to be the online publishing tool that is easy to use and understand?
    Again, this is not meant to be a dis or a slam. I think WordPress, if development continues, can be a force to be reckoned with, letting more people have a voice and all of that. I just don’t think that it will as it stands now, because as a user who’s not comfortable going lo-fi (blogger, blogspot, typepad, livejournal, etc) and who knows just enough code to be dangerous I need a tool like WordPress, but feel that WordPress is more about the code than the end product that I can create with the tool.
    Maybe this should be an email to the developers instead of a post…

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  • Well, yeah WP looks great BUT…
    Been there, done that, got an attempted smack down from some community members. Do a search, this topic has been opened and shut according to those working most on WP.
    I am still on the side of better programmatic practices for WP. A few rants below…
    There is data(content), there is structural markup(html), and there is presentation(CSS) — the goal of building good, accessible, standards compliant sites is not to brown shirt an idea (a list of links ought to be structurally marked up on output) into existence but to separate all the layers.
    WP fails to separate (or failed to last I tried) and insists on building programmatic functions for data calls with hard coded structural markup. It’s absurd to argue for this.
    I am also miffed by the documentation and depth of the template tags. It seems the depth of the template tags is hindered by some pre-conceived notions of what is proper. While it may be proper markup, IMO it is not proper programmatic practice.
    How hard does it have to be to build a separate list of post titles that are of category A while having the main body of the weblog be categories B,C,D,E,F,G,H but not category A? MT allows for this functionality simply by being flexible and generous in the verbs it gives a designer to work with…
    Perhaps it is my noobness with PHP but I really want to learn. Perhaps it is a lack of understanding of the loop and how various things interact within WP but discovering this stuff shouldn’t be as tricky as it has been.

    Thread Starter djblurb


    My original reason for posting:
    WP is hard to use from a designers point of view. Forget MovableType or any other blogging app. We’re talking about WordPress. It’s hard to use.
    Hard heads make things that are hard to use. Always.
    Are the developers even considering the end user in terms of what is shown versus the user spending hours on support forums trying to discover what OTHER code is being generated by WP?
    What has been the cost in person-hours answering user questions based on hidden markup being generated by WP?

    Thread Starter djblurb


    Thanks Allusion.
    I’m not opposed to learning PHP calls, syntax, etc. That’s one of the reasons I (and I expect many others) want to use WordPress.
    I think that some user testing wouldn’t hurt WordPress. Strides are being made, and that’s definitely good.
    What about people who aren’t Dave Shea or Doug Bowman? I would class them as experts and the other 98% of designers somewhere below. That’s why I commented in the first place. I’m glad that this dialogue has been allowed to continue…

    “I think part of the problem is people are using template tags for things that aren’t really templating because in other system template tags are all you have.”
    Yes!! The post variables are what I was looking for (though I didn’t know it at the time). Just spits out the data without touching it. It would be great to have a more integrated help system ala MT, little ?’s in the UI that lead to pop ups… they were helpful in showing me what related options there were that didn’t belong in the UI itself. I know documentation in and of itself is a concern at the moment, but this would save admins and regulars from having to deal with support as much. Personally I didn’t know what I needed so forum searches and some wiki browsing were enlightening but didn’t give me what I wanted.
    <?php echo "$post->post_content"; ?> is what I was looking for, I was getting frustrated with<?php the_content(); ?> Since I barely know any php I’d rather deal with layout on the html/css level if possible, learning php is going to be a somewhat gradual process. ??

    FWIW, I was an MT user for 2 years. I was an early donor. I loved the script. But, I switched to WP in April because, in my opinion, MT was too limiting and I didn’t like their templating/tag system.
    I am not a programmer, though I learn to work through the system I am using.
    I post this only as a comment that at least one end user really likes this sort of system and is quite happy with it.

    I’ve been taking another look at MT’s template tags, since that is your frame of reference, but I really see them as just different, not really better or worse. The PHP start and end is more verbose than MT’s psuedo-tags but there are shortcuts for that in PHP. The other difference is that MT requires custom logic tags for different data where in WP the structure would always be the same. You may want to check out this article:
    The WoPre Tagging Series
    It lists some equivilents between MT and WP template tags. There’s no reason this couldn’t be taken to its logical conclusion with an equivilent for every relevant tag in the MT manual. Sounds like a good project for the wiki.

    Just wanted to note that while I am familiar with programing, I have only very limited experience with PHP.
    All in all, I’ve spent more time trying to learn MT’s template tags and getting MT to do what I want than I have spent learning PHP. Still, I’m having no problem adjusting to WP.
    Even if WP used template tags, they wouldn’t be exactly the same or behave the same as the MT ones do. Template tags or php, either way you are going to have to get used to a new system.
    The main problem that WP has is not the php for template tags but that it’s documentation isn’t complete yet. Better descriptions of what some of the tags do would help a lot, but I can see that it is getting better and holes in the user docs are being filled in over time.

    Thread Starter djblurb


    Again, this is less about the logical structure of tags, but about the difficulties in bending WordPress. Here’s a good read:

    Thanks allusion, for the link to variables available inside the loop. That will help me out a lot!
    Thanks for the clarification and continued discussion, its helpful. I agree that having to learn PHP to do basic design changes is a bit disheartening if someone doesn’t already know PHP, but I think the user friendlyness is something that will improve with time.
    Its common to have to trade power for user friendliness, but good testing can provide a common ground that lets people who are willing to learn a little do a whole lot, which is a point things are reaching now, especially as we get more documentation.

    thanks for all the great responses — can’t wait to dig in… I moved from MT because I knew it was limited in a way, wanted to learn more PHP rather than Perl (nothing wrong with perl but PHP is more a more accessible language to me), and WP looked great.
    Documentation will help things along and I suspect the wiki is the place to try and help.

    Thanks dj blurb for expressing what I have felt about WP since the start, I couldn’t agree with you more. Rino and phidauex have also made great points and given examples which illustrate the problem with WP from a non-php geek’s POV. My own thread is another example…which I still have not really solved (help)
    Most of us love clean code, and would agree that “code is poetry”. But shouldn’t we be allowed to make it or break it on our own? I think it’s great that the makers of WP are web standards, XHTML freaks. So am I, but I think that the WP approach is a bit extreme and that it causes a lot of problems that can’t be addressed with CSS. Maybe with some preg_replace/strip/regular expression stuff, but that is out of reach for me.
    I hope the authors of WP take up this “religious” debate themselves and see where it leads. I think by providing some great “default” templates they could illustrate the value of creating clean, standards based markup without forcing it as such.

    I think part of the problem is people are using template tags for things that aren’t really templating because in other system template tags are all you have.

    To be fair, until the list of $post variables was made available on the wiki anyone could be forgiven for assuming that the function calls were all they had to work with. Personally I agree with Rino that the introduction of unnecessary markup into functions is bad practice, but at least now we purists have been informed of the alternative. Actually I find that WordPress is a lot more flexible than it initially appears to be. It just takes some digging and lateral thinking to find the best way of doing things.

    Oops, talking about fixes, I used unclose HTML list tags in my last post I broke the layout, sorry ??

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