The MScan File Hash Maker process should take between 1 – 5 minutes on average depending on how many plugins and themes you have installed. Once the File Hash Maker is completed you can perform file scanning. File scanning takes anywhere from 1 – 5 minutes on average depending on how many website files are being scanned.
Check the MScan Log to see if File Hashes were done successfully and file scanning was done successfully. Most likely the problem is that the popup Browser window is not displaying the gimmicky stuff to you for some reason. Let me know what you find in the MScan log file.
Try deactivating all of your other plugins and start a scan. Let me know if this changes anything.
There is a known issue that only occurs on my subdomain sites, which is MScan freezes/hangs the site when scanning files. This may be isolated to my web host (DNS or some other server issue). This problem does not occur on any of my other sites that are not subdomain sites. I’m not sure yet what is causing this problem.