• Resolved somesh01



    I uploaded my website to wp 3.9, I changed from qTranslate to mqTranslate and it is great.

    My problem: I was using this trick to have Multilingual SEO title, keywords and meta-description. For example

    [:en] I like soccer[:it] Mi piace il calcio

    Unfortunatly moving from qTranslate to mqTranslate I cannot use anymore this trick for the Meta description because if i type “[:en] ….[:it] …”, they disappear when I save. I can keep this trick for the SEO title and SEO keywords but not for the meta-description.

    What can I do?

    Plaese help, I am sure that i am not the only one using it to get seo in different languages.

    Thank you


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  • @ritmanis
    I don’t use qtranslate slug plugin and also don’t generate tag sitemaps for my site only post, page, category and author currently work.

    Also image sitemap is disabled.

    Should you find any solutions please share them for others here, thanks.

    Just a question to leslierad before I fully roll out SEO with Yoast.

    I’m using mQtranslate and have my site on 2 languages. When I install SEO with Yoast, I seem to be able to use the shortcode [:en] title/description [:fr]… however, the snippet preview shots the 2 languages on the same line.

    I am just concerned that both languagues will be as I see in the snippet over to Google and screw up all my SEO…

    I’ve seen a bunch of people reporting it doesn’t work but this thread seems to suggest it works with a hack.

    Has anyone been able to use SEO with Yoast out of the box with mQtranslate without screwing up their google meta descriptions?


    The snippet preview box does display incorrectly even with this hack, but the seo works fine, check winallpoker com my site to see it working if you like,(select a language and view source – look at titles and descriptions).

    I’m guessing out of the box it doesn’t work but haven’t tried for a while so who knows.

    It does seem to capture the right META content. Thanks!

    So what would be the most up to date hack, assuming I’m on mQtranslate

    Sitemap isn’t important as I use another workaround that works perfectly.



    there you go @ricomtl, latest version.

    Download that file and use notepad ++ to compare changes if you want, or use that file as a replacement, only 4 files changed from original.

    You will need to add the above listed changes to functions.php (see post #34)

    changed files are:
    inc/class-sitemaps.php (you can leave the orig file from yoast instead if you don’t use sitemaps function or use this one and don’t select xml sitemaps from within the plugin options)


    js/wp-seo-metabox.min.js (same file as below just renamed to.min.js)


    For anyone else that wants to use sitemaps:
    To use sitemap functionality for all langs, you will need to edit file:


    Add/remove languages as needed + Change url between: // Leslie
    4 instances

    (//Leslie is commented out as a reference point, edit lines in between)

    // edit – I figured out what you meant. ?? I modified the code in class-sitemap.xml according to the language of my site. Now my question is – is it normal that all permalinks (page/post/tag) appears 10 times each in the sitemap?
    Thanks again leslierad – I just got some time to tackle this and I uploaded the revised plugin as per your download link and modified my functions.php. All works on that end. Thank you.

    I’m not as a clear on the last post you wrote re: sitemap.xml (although I have a current workaround to submit my sitemap manually) I could be interested in getting it to work out of the box with WordPress SEO.

    What exactly do I need to update in the class-sitemaps.xml … I keep re-reading your post and I just don’t get it! ??

    Thanks a bunch again.

    glad to see you got it all working except for the sitemaps.

    No its not normal to see them all repeated 10 times you need to edit the file by adding or removing languages/urls in the code as needed for your site.

    About sitemaps:
    Only post, page, category and author are currently set to work, cause that’s all I needed for my site.

    Have a look through the plugins sitemap settings and deselect tags sitemap or any other funny sitemaps that don’t work correctly.

    Also image sitemap is disabled (the plugin has an image counter and links).

    Ok so now how to get it to work for your site:

    You will need to edit inc/class-sitemaps.php, edit the lines between // Leslie Start and // Leslie End

    In the example below if you don’t have danish then delete /da/ or replace it with your language like /fr/ etc.
    My site has 10 languages thats why its repeated 10 times, alter that to fit how many languages you use.

    // Leslie Start - Home Page Langs in Page
                    $output .= $this->sitemap_url( array(
    					'loc' => home_url( '/da/' ),
    					'pri' => 0.9,
    					'chf' => 'daily',
    				) );
                    $output .= $this->sitemap_url( array(
    					'loc' => home_url( '/de/' ),
    					'pri' => 0.9,
    					'chf' => 'daily',
    				) );

    In this below example

    // Leslie Start -Category
                            $url = str_replace("winallpoker.com/", "winallpoker.com/da/", $url);
                            $output .= $this->sitemap_url( $url );
                            $url = str_replace("/da/", "/de/", $url);'

    replace winallpoker.com/ with your site url and change the language part to fit your site and the number of languages you need.

    It’s a bit difficult to explain fully, hopefully you will get what I mean, if not write a reply or provide a url to use along with languages in use.

    Here is a basic example sitename.com languages /en(main) /fr secondary lang

    // Leslie Start -Category
                            $url = str_replace("sitename.com/", "sitename.com/fr/", $url);
                            $output .= $this->sitemap_url( $url );
    // Leslie End


    // Leslie Start - Home Page Langs in Page
                    $output .= $this->sitemap_url( array(
    					'loc' => home_url( '/fr/' ),
    					'pri' => 0.9,
    					'chf' => 'daily',
    				) );// Leslie End

    There should be 4 sections where changes need to be made (between //Leslie commented lines), the above 2 examples should show you the basics of what I mean.


    I saw a photography studio site, if that’s the one you want to use this for then this sitemaps fix prob will not work for you as you have each post url different for the same post, this fix will only work for posts / pages that match names like:

    mysite.com/postname and mysite.com/fr/postname

    not for mysite.com/fr/postnameinfr

    You may be better off in this case trying the original sitemaps file https://github.com/Yoast/wordpress-seo/blob/trunk/inc/class-sitemaps.php

    The easiest if this makes no sense would be to provide a link to the site in question and I can tell you what to add.

    Yup – that is my site! I use qTranslate slug so that I can use different slugs for each language for each post, page, tag, category.

    I will continue using the manual https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ and submit via Google Webmaster. So far, that’s the only method I found that captures everything correctly without duplicate or odd entries.

    I will still use WordPress SEO and disable sitemap.

    Thanks for all your precious help!


    I had follow all your steps but when I enter to my sitemap.xml I get a 404 page (Not found)

    If you have edited inc/class-sitemaps.php correctly then sometimes it still makes a 404 like you said in which case go to
    XML Sitemaps – Yoast WordPress SEO (from the plugin menu)

    you should see:
    Check this box to enable XML sitemap functionality.

    uncheck that box then save
    then recheck the box and save

    then check if it now builds your sitemap.

    Let me know if you still have issues.

    we have following configuration

    WordPress 4.0
    Wordpress seo by yoast 1.7.1
    mqTranslate 2.8

    Does the patch work for this configuration?

    Thanks in advance ??

    Is there an official patch fot this issue?

    Thank you!

    I’ve just added this code into function.php and it works fine

    function qtranslate_filter( $text ) {
      $fixedOpenTag = str_replace("<!-:", "<!--:", $text);
        $fixedCloseTag = str_replace("->", "-->", $fixedOpenTag);
        return __($fixedCloseTag);
    add_filter( 'wpseo_title', 'qtranslate_filter', 10, 1 );
    add_filter( 'wpseo_metadesc', 'qtranslate_filter', 10, 1 );
    add_filter( 'wpseo_metakey', 'qtranslate_filter', 10, 1 );
    add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_title', 'qtranslate_filter', 10, 1 );
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