glad to see you got it all working except for the sitemaps.
No its not normal to see them all repeated 10 times you need to edit the file by adding or removing languages/urls in the code as needed for your site.
About sitemaps:
Only post, page, category and author are currently set to work, cause that’s all I needed for my site.
Have a look through the plugins sitemap settings and deselect tags sitemap or any other funny sitemaps that don’t work correctly.
Also image sitemap is disabled (the plugin has an image counter and links).
Ok so now how to get it to work for your site:
You will need to edit inc/class-sitemaps.php, edit the lines between // Leslie Start and // Leslie End
In the example below if you don’t have danish then delete /da/ or replace it with your language like /fr/ etc.
My site has 10 languages thats why its repeated 10 times, alter that to fit how many languages you use.
// Leslie Start - Home Page Langs in Page
$output .= $this->sitemap_url( array(
'loc' => home_url( '/da/' ),
'pri' => 0.9,
'chf' => 'daily',
) );
$output .= $this->sitemap_url( array(
'loc' => home_url( '/de/' ),
'pri' => 0.9,
'chf' => 'daily',
) );
In this below example
// Leslie Start -Category
$url = str_replace("winallpoker.com/", "winallpoker.com/da/", $url);
$output .= $this->sitemap_url( $url );
$url = str_replace("/da/", "/de/", $url);'
replace winallpoker.com/ with your site url and change the language part to fit your site and the number of languages you need.
It’s a bit difficult to explain fully, hopefully you will get what I mean, if not write a reply or provide a url to use along with languages in use.
Here is a basic example sitename.com languages /en(main) /fr secondary lang
// Leslie Start -Category
$url = str_replace("sitename.com/", "sitename.com/fr/", $url);
$output .= $this->sitemap_url( $url );
// Leslie End
// Leslie Start - Home Page Langs in Page
$output .= $this->sitemap_url( array(
'loc' => home_url( '/fr/' ),
'pri' => 0.9,
'chf' => 'daily',
) );// Leslie End
There should be 4 sections where changes need to be made (between //Leslie commented lines), the above 2 examples should show you the basics of what I mean.