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  • I also experiance this problem with the free version of your plugin.

    Plugin Author Ivan M


    We are working on update that will fix that problem. It will be released soon



    I installed an update approx. a week ago. Was the fix for this not in that update?

    I still have this issue. It worked for me once, but after that I cannot import comments even though they’re there.

    Plugin Author Ivan M


    Hi Egar,

    Can you please contact me by email – [email protected], so we can take a look at your site, and find the solution. That problem is fixed for most of cases with latest version.




    This is a demo version. Import comments is impossible

    Plugin Author Ivan M


    Import is possible with demo version, but there is only less options then in pro version. There are a lot of satisfied free version users, if you have any question feel free to contact me, and I’ll help you with setting up your free version of plugin.




    I am getting the same problem as rootsriding. IT says I can import comments, but when I do it tells me that 0 were imported. When is this going to be fixed?

    Plugin Author Ivan M


    Hi lynnpd,

    Can you plase contact me by email ([email protected]). I would like to see where is the problem in your case. Maybe bug exist for some cases, and I’m not aware of that.

    @chris3411, you can contact me also, I’ll be glad to help you.

    Few days ago we are solved egars problem. It was adblock in question. I would like to see what is problem in other cases.

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