Mp3 Pop Up Player Help (mp3jplayer) (java)
Hi, so trying to have a pop up player for mp3 in my widgets. I added the plugin “MP3jplayer” which makes it very easy to do so but has a major flaw ie: the new pop up has url window and navigation which looks pretty horrible in my opinion. I saw a few other forum posts where folks tried to fix it but to little avail. The best option was to change some coding but that apparently only worked with some browsers (I have not tried that and am just relying on others experience with it). However I came up with a different option which kinda works. By downloading the plugin “enhanced text widget” I was able to put in this java script code:
<a href=”javascript:void(0)” onclick=”‘URL OF THE PLAYER PAGE’,
which does open a pop up with no url or navigation. Of course I’m still having problems, thus why I’m here. The problem now is that when I create a new page with a playlist in it for the java code to link to, I get the outline of my wp theme, a small playlist and player, and all the wp info at the top of the pop up (I’m using suffusion theme so luckily I could keep my site header, page title, sidebars, etc from showing). So anyone have any ideas on how to work around that? Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance!
-angusP.S. I know that my wording may be a little bit confusing so it might be best just to look at my site and compare the “test” widget (the java-ly done one) to either of the “ambient music” widgets (done just with the mp3jplayer plugin). Thanks again.
P.P.S. Tangent but I’m curious. Every time I post a link in the forum and add the target=”_blank, it always gets stripped away when posted. Any ideas why? Doesn’t really matter, I’m just curious.
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