• poesleeve


    Hello to all~

    I am very very very very very very frustrated at this point. I have searched the support forums and found folks with similar problems getting no response to their queries.

    I am trying desperately to get my podcast trailer recognized as something other than a Quicktime file download. How?

    I am trying to get the RSS to synducate the podcast rather than the blog itself. How?

    I know the feed codes. I know them all. I’ve been looking at them all until I am bleary-eyed and exhausted. NOWHERE does it tell me WHAT to link them TO to differentiate the podcast and the blog which is what I am trying to do. If I am not linking them to anything, how on earth do they know what to syndicate?

    I have looked EVERYWHERE for the answer to the simple question of how to turn my MP3 files into a podcast feed. How?

    I have searched high and low for reasons why the plug-ins that seem to work for everyone else still don’t give me anything but an MP3 Quicktime dowload when I enclose my file with their features.

    What am I doing wrong? What am I missing???

    Not hostile, just EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED.

    Thanks for anything anyone can do ….


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  • eddyj


    posleeve see if this helps you


    there is info there and free software that might help



    Are you assuming the link in the post will launch it into iTunes and start reading the podcast? If so it doesn’t work that way.

    If that isn’t the issue send your RSS link? I will take a look at it. I have been running a podcast from WP for a year now. I should be able to help figure out the problem.




    Ken whats your blog?

    My issue is I know how to create a podcast but I dont just want a link on my site to the mp3 i want it to play in a player or is that bad? is it better to have a link?

    second do you use the same hosting for your podcasts as your blog? love to know where I can save money on hosting my podcasts

    ive thought of using audioblog.com but what do you think?? wise choice or not?




    OK – so what you do is post a link to the mp3 in a post. This will allow people that, don’t do the Podcast thing, the ability to click and play the episode from the webpage. For those wanting the podcast you have to select an Enclosure tag to be added to the post. Then set the value of the Enclusure tag to the mp3 URL. Essentially your RSS feed is now a podcast feed because it contains the info for an RSS Reader to pull the file to the desktop.

    You can host your files into any folder on any server…make a podcast directory where your site lives and FTP your files into that. Then use a URL pointing to where they are located. I use Dreamhost as a host.

    Does this clear things up?




    Ken.. so you use your own hosting space and bandwidth, do you advise then not to use audioblog? im trying to guage if $10 a month for 500mb of space and unmetered bandwidth is good

    as they not only let people listen to it from your blog page but they provide a way for you to link to your mp3s so people can download them i guess.



    Unlimited bandwidth? That probably isn’t bad…I have 120gig of server space so I opt to just use that.

    Did the other info above help you?

    Check out this plugin too:


    Thread Starter poesleeve


    Hi Ken~

    Did exactly as you suggested with the enclosure tags, directories and the like.

    No change. Still opens as an MP3 in Quicktime. This is good for those who have no other means to listen, so I have no issue, really. But when it gives NO OTHER CHOICE? That’s a problem.

    What I finally did was write raw code and upload it to my site. I can plug this url into iPoddder and have it download as a feed.


    For kvillines, there is only one audio file for now, and it’s short. I believe the above link to the RSS is what you’re asking for? I couldn’t generate one that worked through WordPress so I wrote one seperately.

    HOWEVER: Trying to use the above referenced link in WordPress in the sidebar opens the ENTRY the file sits in in a new window and STILL downloads the audio file into Quicktime when it is clicked on.

    I’m in the same boat as Eddyj, wanting it to open in a player and not simply download the file.

    Writing the code was a last resort, but I need it to work from within WordPress. What’s the missing step?

    Thanks SO MUCH for everyone involved in this discussion. This is getting to the information I’ve needed and many others need it too.



    Thread Starter poesleeve


    One other thought~

    Opening in Quicktime in the browser doesn’t allow the file to be downloaded to someone’s desktop in the MP3 format.

    Is there something ELSE I need to do to make it do that if all else fails?





    You might need to type beside it.

    ” To Download Right Click the Link Below and Select Save as or save to”

    usually by default when you click a mp3 link your computer will try to open it using the associated media app like windows media, quicktime etc..




    Your podcast from WordPress works fine…I took your Blog RSS link https://subrosaradio.com/?feed=rss2 and subcribed to it in iTunes. It works great!


    Thread Starter poesleeve


    Thanks for letting us know this!

    Another novice question for you … How did you subscribe to us through iTunes if we haven’t submitted our podcast to them for the directory?

    I’ll continue to ask questions here that I think others want and need answered too. I’m so grateful for the thread that’s been started. Would have made my life so much less stressful the last few days!



    While in iTunes:

    Select Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast…

    Then you enter the URL into the dialog box that comes up.




    would be interested to know if there is a player out there




    Player? not really following you?

    There are probably 10+ free descktop apps that subscribe to RSS feeds. Those same apps will call upon your default player to play an enclosed mp3 file. If the file is something else like video or even a PDF then the Reader should call the appropriate app for handling the data.

    Do you mean a player that handles RSS Feeds? hence handling podcasts natively in the player?




    Ken please take a look at this

    https://www.consumerfinanceadvisor.com I get my flash player to show up on the main page and play but click on the POST TITLE.. and its not there.. i have found that if i leave the permalinks on default it will show up but if i change the permalinks to anything else it wont..

    this is a definate wordpress issue.. can you help

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