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    admin – settings – general

    Thread Starter Blaugrana11


    Thats the thing. WordPress address (URL) and
    Blog address (URL) both already point to my website. Been so since I started the blog. Whats there to change? Do i need to add a new server info or something?

    if it already points to it – nothing to change
    only if you had a new domain name would you change it

    It says:
    If You Don’t Care If Your Old Blog Works

    Download a copy of the main wordpress files from your OLD blog to your hard drive and edit wp-config.php to suit the new server.
    Go back to your OLD blog and go to options and change the url (both of them) to that of your new site.

    etc etc

    if your domain name is the same what could you change?
    go on to the database part

    Thread Starter Blaugrana11


    ok, database part.. I dont understand why do I need to download my site twice to my hard disk?

    Hello Blaugrana11,

    Basically the article is telling you to keep one set of files as a backup while you make adjustments to the other copy for the new server that you are moving the blog to.

    You only really need one copy of your blog files and database to migrate to the new server. Let me know if you are running into any difficulties.

    Thread Starter Blaugrana11


    I moved the files. Now I suppose I need to edit the config file. Do I also need to change Ips somewhere to get the site to work on another server?

    Thread Starter Blaugrana11


    Need help guys. If I move my wordpress site from one server to other do I need to change Ips in enom or somewhere?

    See the following video. If you are not changing the url, then you can skip the db editing part.

    Export your current wordpress content using the export function in admin.

    You need to login into where you registered your domain and change the nameservers to your new host.

    Once you have done that install a wordpress via fantastico this will also create a new mysql.

    Once created, login using your new login details and upload content using the import function.



    I’ve tried moving my WordPress blog from one server to another, by following the instructions found here and here.

    I’ve downloaded the public_html from the old server (the blog is in the root) with FileZilla, and, after changing the wp_config, uploaded the stuff inside public_html to a folder inside the new server.

    I’ve download the database schema using MySQL Administrator and removed the first lines which create the database itself, leaving only the commands to create the tables. I’ve also searched and replaced every mention of my old server’s link to my new one.

    You can check the blog in its old server here.

    The link for the new server is here. As you can see, everything is out of place, and I can’t access the section :/

    What can I be doing wrong?



    I appreciate everyone’s help here and figured I’d provide some context as to what makes the directions at confusing to someone new to WordPress concepts. I think with only a few updates to the documentation these instructions would be nearly fool-proof:

    I’ll highlight quotes in the documentation and detail why they are somewhat confusing:

    1. “If you want to test before you switch, you must temporarily change “siteurl” and “home” in the database table “wp_options” (through phpMyAdmin or similar).”

    For WordPress experts this is probably a simple and obvious reference, but for someone who is new to WordPress this reference isn’t clear in context or direction. In the paragraph previous to this the introduction makes mention to two different scenarios for moving a WordPress site; one scenario is to move the WordPress installation “around within your server” and the other is to move your WordPress installation “from one server to another”. The aforementioned reference then explains that if you want to test you must change a couple of values in table wp_options, but details neither what these values should be changed to nor the scenario to which this applies. Minimally, it should include to what the values those database columns need to be changed – am I supposed to change this to the intended url or some test url, and what’s the purpose of the change? If this reference does not apply to both scenarios then it should be included as an in-line optional instruction on that instruction set only, as it is confusing where it is.

    2. “If you want to move WordPress to your root directory, make sure all index.php, .htaccess, and other files that might be copied over are backed up and/or moved, and that the root directory is ready for the new WordPress files.”

    I’m dumb, and I was confused by the term “copied over”, because it made me think I had to “copy” some files “over” from my root directory to some safe backup location. If this sentence replaced “copied over” with “overwritten” it would be much easier to understand for stupid people like me and some half-smart ones. Also, what does it mean for the root directory to be “ready for the new WordPress files”? Should I be doing something to ensure the root directory is ready? For instance, should I be changing permissions on folders or creating a user, or should I just give it a pep talk? I apologize for facetiousness – I’m just trying to make the point that I don’t know what that reference means.

    3. “Move your WordPress core files to the new location. This includes the files found within the original directory, such as, and all the sub-directories, to the new location.”” is not a directory, but a URL. This would really be helpful to include an actual directory reference, even if it’s relative. For instance, “[ORIGINAL_WORDPRESS_LOCATION]/wordpress/”

    4. “If you are using Permalinks, go to the Administration > Settings > Permalinks panel and update your Permalink structure to your .htaccess file, which should be in the same directory as the main index.php file.”

    Would read better as: “If you are using Permalinks, go to the Dashboard > Settings > General panel and update your Permalink structure to point to the new location of your .htaccess file, which should be in the same directory as the main index.php file, for example – [NEW_WORDPRESS_LOCATION]/wordpress/.htaccess.”

    5. “You must also check and edit ‘store uploads folder’ under Settings-Miscellaneous or all your new uploads will continue to go into the old folder.”

    Would read better as: “You must also modify the ‘Store uploads in this folder’ directory reference under Dashboard > Settings > Miscellaneous or all your new uploads will continue to go into the old folder.”

    6. “Existing image/media links uploaded media will refer to the old folder and must be updated with the new location.”

    This is probably a reference to a previous version of WordPress than the version I am using because no such reference exist, but if they did they’d be accessible from Dashboard > Settings > Media.

    7. “It is important that you set the URI locations BEFORE you move the files.”

    If this is important then it should not be listed as an afterthought in these instructions, but should be enumerated in as an explict, numbered instruction. that occurs prior to directions to move files…

    8. “and then follow the steps above as normal. Afterwards delete the symlink if you want.”

    Follow the directions from what point?

    9. “Note: If you are changing to a new server but same domain, all you need to do is edit wp-config.php and upload everything as it is to your new server.”

    It would be helpful to detail the relative path to the wp-config.php file – I realize I’m the only person who works with WordPress and doesn’t know this.

    10. “Download a copy of the main wordpress files from your OLD blog to your hard drive and edit wp-config.php to suit the new server.”

    It would be really helpful if I new specific values I should be changing to minimally get this website to work. I’m positive I’d figure it out, but I could have also figured out how to migrate a WordPress site without any instructions at all, it’d have just been harder…

    11. “Go back to your OLD blog and go to options and change the url (both of them) to that of your new site.”

    There is no options page – this should detail the location to modify these settings at “Dashboard > General > Settings”. Also, as previously vetted by posters, if this option is only applicable for those who are also using a different domain then this instruction should explicitly say that. Those using the same URL should be instructed to skip this step.

    12. “Again, download your database (but keep the old one just in case), upload this new database and the copy of the wordpress core files with the edited wp-config.php to your new server. Thats it!”

    If I don’t need to download the database twice then I shouldn’t be instructed to do so.

    Those modifications would probably make it easier for dumb people like me to easily understand this write-up – after all, if not for them, then for who are instructions written?

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