Moving Cherry Framework to New Host
I just moved from HostGator to Bluehost and have moved over my WordPress account with issues. I found a forum post that should help me but do not know how to implement it. Any help in simple WordPress beginner language? I am inside my Editor and Cherry template and child theme2063 but can’t seem to find the .cache or .less files to delete. Do I just delete the entire lines when I do find them?
I found this in my Cherry theme functions:
add_action('cherry_activation_hook', 'clean_less_cache'); function clean_less_cache() { if ( CURRENT_THEME == 'cherry' ) { $bootstrapInput = PARENT_DIR .'/less/bootstrap.less'; $themeInput = PARENT_DIR .'/less/style.less'; } else { $bootstrapInput = CHILD_DIR .'/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less'; $themeInput = CHILD_DIR .'/style.less'; } $cacheFile1 = $bootstrapInput.".cache"; $cacheFile2 = $themeInput.".cache"; if (file_exists($cacheFile1)) unlink($cacheFile1); if (file_exists($cacheFile2)) unlink($cacheFile2);
[Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button.]
Just a little heads up for anybody moving a WordPress site that contains any kind of Cherry Framework related theme – You need to delete your .cache files for .less files. Here is where mine were located:For Cherry Framework itself:
Then inside my child theme (this may be different for you, but find the .cache files and delete them if you’re getting errors):theme root/style.less.cache
Without deleting these files, your site will look for the .less related files and style sheets inside the old site file structure, which obviously will not work
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