• Hi

    I am using wordpress for about 1 year, during this period I have made some changes to make it set for my Language, Azeri (Arabic alphabet)
    very thing is OK but special numbers and characters like “?” , “{“, “[“, “1-” are not sitting on the place as I enter them. Have a look at exemple in ENglish:

    1- This is test number 1223,34a,1 of A23

    of 1223,34a,1 This is test number A23 1-

    First line is correct and the second one is what I get in my language. We use to right from right to left, the dir is rtl, and character setting is UTF8


    Any suggestion wellcome

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  • That must be an error (mistake) in the translation (.po) file, and then it went into the .mo file, too.
    See Translating_WordPress#Messages_With_Placeholders
    I suspect in that message there were 2 placeholders and the translator did NOT re-arrange their order.

    thanks moshu,

    Is it possible those codes affect the body of post or comments? As far as I know the language file is for internal use (system use) but the problem that I got is external (input by user) !!

    If you can be a little bit more explicit… Where exactly is this happening? In what context? In posts? In comments? In post-meta?

    Actually in all of them !!
    Look we write from right to left, our alphabet is different from English, so when I write new article which has numbers and symbols in it, the post behaive bad!! it changes the position of numbers or symbols and mixes them inside the lines in article. so when you put date before text, date comes after text! and if you put two dates in one line with text between them, it is completly uureadable by visitors!!

    I know that much about your writing system ??
    (when I am not in WP forum I am a linguist)
    A few remarks: your site looks totally bad in Firefox – all the content goes below the sidebar. It seems your site is in a frame, which could be one of the problems, if the frameset and the framed file send different headers about encoding. And for your language in the head section ther should be a meta tag defining the text directionality, see:

    I am not sure correcting all these would meake it work properly, but it would be a step ahead; and if you still have problems we could ask the developers to take a look at it. However, I remember many users who succesfully post in RTL languages.

    Thank you very much Moshu,

    The problem was on the frameset and the header of theme, I put that <HTML dir=”RTL”> into those files and seems fantastic. I have modified the edit-post file and I can write in my language, also it is available in the comment system.

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