• Resolved calsnoboarder


    My development blog is: https://wptest.gadgetwebdesign.com/

    Is it possible to move JUST the “Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment” line that is currently under the image (blog post content area) to sit right next to the “Published March 10, 2012 | By Admin” which is currently under the post title?

    So all the meta data is on one line? If so, how would I accomplish that? I tried moving it through CSS but doing it that way seems to require that all the images be the same size. I just want to move it so regardless of what is in the blog post content area, it sits on the same line as the other metadata under the post title…

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  • Gary Darling


    Before you try moving the html elements, try one more thing – give the div that contains the image a fixed height, that way even if the images are different sizes the box containing them will be a uniform height. The box needs to be as high as her largest image – the only downside will be a little extra whitespace around the smaller images.

    See if that gets you the results you need, if not we can explore the html structure.

    Also, if your layout on the single posts/pages differs from your layout on the page showing multiple posts, you can target just the single page by adding .single before your css changes. Example:
    .single .art-postheader { /*my custom css...*/ }

    This works because the single posts have a body class of single applied by the theme. So the CSS says if there is a class of art-postheader that is a child of the class single, apply this css

    Thread Starter calsnoboarder


    The problem I am having is the client has no idea how big the images she’ll post will be… and she most definitely does not want any extra white space around the images if it can be avoided. Since she is now ok with the normal posting layout (post title with meta data underneath, then content) my only real issue now is trying to get ALL the meta data on one line… so it appears like this:

    Published March 10, 2012 | By Admin | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

    (with the normal css attributes applied to the text as shown in my current build).

    Gary Darling


    You might check in the template single.php for the html that is placing the metadata and see if you can move it around – you should recognize it now as the class names will all be in there. You also might want to create a child theme if you haven’t already.

    Thread Starter calsnoboarder


    Sorry to be such a pain, but I must be missing something… nothing in the single.php code suggests that the metadata is called there…

     * single.php
     * The single post template. Used when a single post is queried.
    get_header(); ?>
    <div class="art-layout-wrapper">
        <div class="art-content-layout">
            <div class="art-content-layout-row">
                <div class="art-layout-cell art-content">
    			<?php get_sidebar('top');  ?>
    				if (have_posts()){
    					/* Display navigation to next/previous posts when applicable */
    					if (theme_get_option('theme_top_single_navigation')) {
    								'next_link' => theme_get_previous_post_link('? %link'),
    								'prev_link' => theme_get_next_post_link('%link ?')
    					while (have_posts())
    						get_template_part('content', 'single');
    						/* Display comments */
    						if ( theme_get_option('theme_allow_comments')) {
    					/* Display navigation to next/previous posts when applicable */
    					if (theme_get_option('theme_bottom_single_navigation')) {
    								'next_link' => theme_get_previous_post_link('? %link'),
    								'prev_link' => theme_get_next_post_link('%link ?')
    				} else {    
    			<?php get_sidebar('bottom'); ?>
                  <div class="cleared"></div>
    <div class="cleared"></div>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
    Gary Darling


    Okay, how about a template called content.php? I see that right after the_post it is calling for that template part (get_template_part('content', 'single');). It’s a good chance the multiple posts page uses content.php as well, so changing one might change both.

    Thread Starter calsnoboarder


    content.php has:

     * content*.php
     * The post format template. You can change the structure of your posts or add/remove post elements here.
     * 'id' - post id
     * 'class' - post class
     * 'thumbnail' - post icon
     * 'title' - post title
     * 'before' - post header metadata
     * 'content' - post content
     * 'after' - post footer metadata
     * To create a new custom post format template you must create a file "content-YourTemplateName.php"
     * Then copy the contents of the existing content.php into your file and edit it the way you want.
     * Change an existing get_template_part() function as follows:
     * get_template_part('content', 'YourTemplateName');
    	global $post;
    				'id' => theme_get_post_id(),
    				'class' => theme_get_post_class(),
    				'thumbnail' => theme_get_post_thumbnail(),
    				'title' => '<a href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '" rel="bookmark" title="' . strip_tags(get_the_title()) . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a>',
            'heading' => theme_get_option('theme_'.(is_single()?'single':'posts').'_article_title_tag'),
    				'before' => theme_get_metadata_icons( 'date,author', 'header' ),
    				'content' => theme_get_excerpt(),
    				'after' => theme_get_metadata_icons( 'category,tag,comments', 'footer' ).'<br><br><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-74" title="separator_img" src="https://wptest.gadgetwebdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/separator_img.png" alt="" width="819" height="10" />'
    Gary Darling


    Getting warm, do you have one named content-single.php?

    Thread Starter calsnoboarder


    Content-single.php is:

     * content*.php
     * The post format template. You can change the structure of your posts or add/remove post elements here.
     * 'id' - post id
     * 'class' - post class
     * 'thumbnail' - post icon
     * 'title' - post title
     * 'before' - post header metadata
     * 'content' - post content
     * 'after' - post footer metadata
     * To create a new custom post format template you must create a file "content-YourTemplateName.php"
     * Then copy the contents of the existing content.php into your file and edit it the way you want.
     * Change an existing get_template_part() function as follows:
     * get_template_part('content', 'YourTemplateName');
    	global $post;
    				'id' => theme_get_post_id(),
    				'class' => theme_get_post_class(),
    				'title' => theme_get_meta_option($post->ID, 'theme_show_post_title') ? get_the_title() : '',
    				'heading' => theme_get_option('theme_single_article_title_tag'),
    				'before' => theme_get_metadata_icons('date,author', 'header'),
    				'content' => theme_get_content(),
    				'after' => theme_get_metadata_icons('category,tag', 'footer')
    Gary Darling


    It looks identical to content.php.

    I hate to pollute the forum with a wild goose chase – might be too late for that! In one of these template files you are going to find an html structure that matches what you are seeing on the rendered page. It will likely contain the above variables the theme is using to grab the metadata. This is what you need to ferret out and try moving around. You can see now why it’s generally easier to do this with CSS positioning.

    I’m not familiar with Artisteer themes, do they have any documentation or support?

    Thread Starter calsnoboarder


    They do have support, but it only deals with the application itself and not the actual WP files. I have looked for a php file with an html structure, thinking the same way you are about how to go about editing the files to accomplish this… but I can’t seem to get it…

    I apologize for the wild goose chase, but if you have a moment and you want to look at my files as they are in the zip, here is a link to the download


    Gary Darling


    You need to modify this line in content-single.php:
    'before' => theme_get_metadata_icons('date,author', 'header'),
    From two lines below, grab the content category, tag and add it to before like so:
    'before' => theme_get_metadata_icons('date,author,category,tag', 'header'),

    If you want it all above the image include it in the ‘before’ variable, if you want it below the image include it in the ‘after’ variable.

    You can try the same approach with content.php, which I believe shows multiple posts.

    Thread Starter calsnoboarder


    Nice! Thanks so much Gary… I had actually done something like this earlier, but i somehow copied the entire code from AFTER into the BEFORE (including the ‘footer’), which caused my template to break… I don’t know how I missed that! Thanks again for all your patience and help! Marking this as closed… you rock!

    Gary Darling


    Thanks Cal!

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