• I have a blog set up at https://johnmag4u.com/blog/ . I am trying to move it to a different host at https://johnmag4u.info . I did a complete MySQL database dump on the old server. Did a complete MySQL database import on the new server. I created a user with the same user name and password as the old sever with full rights to the imported database. Using PHPMyAdmin I can log into the new database and see everything. I change the DB_HOST in the new wp-config.php to the new MySQL Server. When I try to access the new blog, I receive the error:

    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at This could mean your host’s database server is down.

    I have checked the username and password several times (in the wp-config.php file and using PHPMyAdmin). I also checked the database server by navigating to and everything loads correctly.

    Is there anything else I should need to do?

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  • I have a similiar problem. I want my blog to be my website, no website other than the blog. But when I install WP into the Public HTML directory, my website still shows up. What file do I need to change in order to make WP my homepage?

    @johnmag4u–either the information is wrong in your wp-config.php file or the database server is ‘broken’. If you are certain the info is correct in wp-config.php then might talk with your host about the database server.

    @policy–are you getting a similar message to the one JohnMag4u is seeing?

    @johnmag4u–also can you tell us who your host is?

    I had a similar problem after moving my website to a new hosting plan. In the end I had to copy my backed up WordPress files to the server but I left the database blank.

    I then ran the install program (install.php) which populated the database with tables.

    Using phpMyAdmin I deleted a table one at a time from the database and imported the corresponding table from a database backup. I did this until I imported the table that was causing the error message. This was the wp_options table. I’n not sure which part of the table was causing a problem.

    I then deleted all the tables, repeated the install program and re-imported all the tables except wp_options.

    The drawback to this was I had to re-configure my sidebar modules but with the site being down nearly three weeks I was just grateful to have something to work with.

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