Here is an idea:
Have you tried exporting only the section of your database that has to do with the site that you want to move from your multisite section to another? For instance, click on wp-6 (corresponding to your site #6 in multisites db) and export all the tables from wp-6 only. Then, with a text editor, change the top section to the new database parameters and the wp-6 reference within the Insert text to your new table name for that site. Afterwards, access your new database in the server and either copy and paste or use the import feature. If any errors show up, just correct whatever MySQL says it’s wrong. Most errors usually have to do with ID and Keys. You can do a search on your text before importing and change the values to those you have assigned to the new database.
There is a non-plugin program that you can install on your root that is specially good for database changes in WP. It’s called “searchreplacedb21”. You should be able to find and downoad it from the plugin section on this site. You can use it to make changes after you create the new database for the site you want to move. Insert your import to the new database. Ignore the errors. Go to your browser address box and call the searchreplace program. Input the name of your new database and the info you need to change. It will do a complete search and replace. Afterwards, just delete the searchreplace file from your server for security reasons.
I hope these suggestions help somehow.
Cheers. ??