Hi again geroido, well I have a couple instructions you to follow if you feel a little bit unsure how to do it and it’s a pretty fast way and i did this way and it worked well, here is it
Firt open your website’s cpanel and go to phpmyadmin and export the database of the site you are thinking to move, save it to the desktop or whereever you want, then you do need to do this things below
1. Open the SQL database you exported from your liveserver with Wordpad or any other editor you have.
2. Go edit and click the replace or CTRL+H and type the ‘Find what’ field https://www.yoursite.com or https://yoursite.com depends which url your are using your website is it www. or without it when your opening it. type ”Replace with” field this https://localhost/yoursite and then hit Replace it all then save that file, this process is altering all links directing to your livehost into localhost, some people don’t really want to do this so they prefer to go their dashboard and settings and change their url there but later when they moved their site to locally they no longer access to their livesite so they need to change it again in phpmyadmin which is a pretty long process.
3. Go to your xampp phpmyadmin and create a new database with username and so on and be sure that you note your database information you will need it when you are goin to edit wp-config.php file later, this happend so many times that i forget the user and database name and the password so be sure to note it down the information you put there.
4. Click your database on the left panel in your phpmyadmin and import your SQL database that you edited before and hit GO.
5. This step you need to copy all your site files using FTP in your cpanel or Filezilla, the easiest way is to put all your files into one folder in your Computers Desktop so you can easily move to xampp later and change folders name to yoursite name in localhost for example ‘yoursite’.
6. When it finish coping your files from server then move your ‘mysite’ folder into xampp/htdocs put in there htdocs folder in your xampp and then open your folder and edit your wp-config.php so now you need your information you note it down when you created the new database in your xampp and change the wp-comfig.php and put the database name and username and the password u chosen before and then save it.
so now open your web browser and hit localhost/yoursite and everything should be working now.
sorry for the long post now it feels like you are a in a History class or something else which is sometimes boring hahah, I’m not really profissional doing this so you can figure it out my post which is a really long one but i feel we can help each other, Well I’m from Australia as u suspect it no one ever thought that Im from there while reading my posts but u did.
Hope you can make it and let me know if this works for you please.
Good Luck