• My hosting provider just moved all of our servers to a new VPS. Everything was working great up to that point. Now, when I activate my instance of the Cubepoints Buddypress integration plugin, I am receiving multiple occurences of the following error:

    Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/”xxxxxxxxx”/public_html/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/wp-content/plugins/cubepoints-buddypress-integration/includes/bp-cubepoint-core.php on line 46

    The page then continues to display correctly after this series of error messages. If I deactivate the plugin the problem immediately goes away.

    I’ve searched and there have been a few articles on how to correct the problem generically. For example, I deactivated all of my plugins, deleted my buddypress plugin directory, re-uploaded the buddypress plugin via FTP and re-activated all of my plugins again and that hasn’t helped.

    I am current running:

    WP: 3.6
    BP: 1.8.1
    PHP version 5.4.19

    any ideas would be greatly appreciated… I’d really like to include the cubepoints integration.



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