Oh boy. OK!
This is very non -techie, I’m sorry, but I’m just getting started.
Firstly, the new server (which had Plesk, unlike the old server which had cpanel) insisted on creating a new database with a new install of WP – instead of letting me import all my existing files including the db. This is a hosting issue that needs resolving as it created problems.
I spent two nights (only time the internet would work) trying to persuade the server to accept the backed-up database, which I was pretty sure had all the right settings in.
This was after FTP’ing in all the admin, content etc files from the original site. Which I then had to overwrite with a new installation of WP via Plesk. Which I then had to overwrite again with the originals!
Eventually, I had to drop the database created by Plesk install of WP, and it (luckily – I really don’t know how that worked) picked up all the tables from my original database.
Then, I went through every file on the server (except the database) looking for any instances of the old domain name. One of the problems I had created (although I thought I had solved it prior to the backup) was that the settings had not accepted the new domain before exporting. (And I didn’t turn off permalinks, which was an issue I only found late on).
The other problem was this new database (which I could NOT delete from Plesk, until I got into PHPAdmin and dropped it). When entering the details for the new WP install, I specifically asked it to use my old database, which I had already uploaded. But it ignored that and created a new one.
I have found some amazing resources now to work through this, but none actually work you through it from start to finish correctly for this particular instance.
The unable to log in problem was finally solved once the db had been dropped, the original one turned up (still a bit confused about that as it has the name of the Plesk-created db but my tables etc!), and after about an hour or two of fiddling, I logged in and managed to change everything (settings etc) that seemed to be pointing to the old domain.
I’d like to recommend the following. There is no single answer/workthrough for what I faced, but with hindsight, it sort of all is there, too!