• RaymondDay


    I had my word press in /var/www/wordpress. But I could not get uploads like photos to work. I guess it just will not let the web server wright in /var/www.

    I seen could install WordPress with apt-get install wordpress command that’s what I did and copied the wp-config to it and edit the data base were the apt-get installed it at /usr/share

    I think maybe I was using 2.2.3 so when I 1st go in it it says it needs to update the data base. But then it don’t have any Categories and will just say Uncategorized under them now.

    I get a data base error with the photos plugin it says “WordPress database error: [Table ‘WordPress.wp2_wppa_albums’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT * FROM wp2_wppa_albums”

    Maybe the update data base deleted it? I still have a backup of the data base but if I restore it I have to edit the links so I can just go in manage else page can’t be displayed.

    What is the right way to move from /var/www/wordpress to /usr/share/wordpress ?

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  • Thread Starter RaymondDay


    I typed this in my WordPress blog. Looks like it’s fix but I have not been using it for long. But WOW it looks very good. This my be the next WordPress they do out. Because at the end of the page it’s a bata one. But WOW that it moved very good! Here is what I posted in my WordPress:

    Looked at how to fix WordPress. The apt-get install wordpress command did not install the updated one. So I found the link that said how to do it with svn co https://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/trunk/ . Then I copyed my type files to it and went to the link to upgrade and it had to update the data base and it all came up very good then. I am typing in it now. It looks better. I guess the theam I had before was not a good one. Or this one is a update pass what you can download I will see what it says at the bottom now. O WoW it says: You are using a development version (2.5-beta1). Cool! Please stay updated. right now it’s working super. To update it all I have to do is the command cd /usr/share/wordpress then svn up Looks like all it good now. I have to get the plugins working again yet.

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    It’s working real good. I moved this because I wanted a easy way to just put photos in WordPress. Before I could use WinSCP and then type in a link to WordPress. I would use XnView to resize them. I installed a plug in but could never get it to work. It’s “WP Photo Album” just come back with “No albums yet” all the time.

    But then I seen this WordPress has some icons in the top right and one says “Add an Image” That’s what I did but the URL was wrong. I had to go in Misellaneous Settings and put in the “Full URL path to files (optional)” to “../wordpress/wp-content/uploads” it worked and it’s neat that it puts it in a year and month folder.

    It’s so easy to add photos now and can now click them on to make them fill size. I all ways wanted that and now I have it.

    Looks like all is working very good now. I don’t think I could of did this photo with in WordPress if it was still at /var/www/wordpress like I had it before I moved it to /usr/share/wordpress

    -Raymond Day

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