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  • Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi Sylia,

    Just released version 1.16 after WordPress staff asked me to add additional security protection and change the data directory. I did not change the name of the plugin.

    Now you can change the priority of the message displayed. It does not matter whether it is “Bottom of Content” or “End of Document” as both use the same priority setting so it is possible to move the messages up or down a little bit. The default priority setting is 200.

    Hope this works for you.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter skerali


    Thank you so much this is great!

    Just so I understand should I make the priority setting high (above 200) or low (below 200) to move the image I add using your plugin appear below “THE BREAKDOWN” section which is built into my theme:

    Live page:

    Thread Starter skerali


    I had to deactivate the plugin as I noticed it was making posts disappear on the homepage:

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi Sylvia,

    Almost most of the time you can change the priority from around 10 to 200 as this will work for most cases. But if it does not work you could use values less than 10 or larger than 200. I have had a case where setting the priority to 15 placed the messages at the bottom.

    200 will allow the messages to be at the very bottom in most cases (& below the breakdown in your example). If it does not then increase it to 220, 250 or 300 or larger and see because we do not know what priority the other plugin authors have given their plugins. I know that using values of 800 or larger will make the messages disappear (like it fell off the bottom of the content?).

    If the other plugins have similar priorities than WordPress arranges them by alphabetic order which is what was happening in the previous version of dpabottomofpostpage.

    I think you are using ‘ratings-pro’ plugin so the ‘d’ in dpabottomofpostpage comes before ‘r’ in ratings-pro in alphabetic order. That was why the the BREAKDOWN was lower than your picture. Now by adjusting the priority to a larger value, you can move the picture below the BREAKDOWN.

    Do change the values and test it and see how it appears on your site.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi Sylvia,

    You can turn off the message being displayed on your home page. Just uncheck the HOME checkbox in the message area so that the messages do not show in the homepage. Then the message will show in the posts.

    Best Regards,

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi Sylvia,

    I suspect that as the column width of the posts in the home page is very much smaller than your image to be displayed, the web browser tries to rearrange for a picture that is too large. When you view the actual post, it takes up most of the width of the screen so your picture appears correctly.

    If you allow the image to be shown in the homepage it will be shown at every post section in the homepage. To avoid this you will need to turn off displaying in the homepage. You can test it out by trying to display a 64×64 pixel picture in the message. You will also see how the browser adjusts for this.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter skerali


    Hi Peter. regarding the homepage, the checkbox has always been unchecked. Any ideas why it may still be occurring when the plugin is activated?

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi Sylvia,

    Please show me what code you have in the message area of the dpabottomofpostpage.

    If you look at my website home page at you will notice how WordPress shows messages at the Bottom of Content. It will show it on every summary of the posts. In my case there is a copyright notice and a Google Advert as I have checked the home check button for both messages. If you go to the respective posts you will see more messages.

    You will notice too that the images are very wide, probably around 720 pixels. I can show these images as my theme provides more than 880 pixels to display anything.

    In your case the home page is divided into 3 columns to display the summary of posts. If I remember correctly it looked like about 300 to 350 pixels wide per summary. I think your image was around 400 to 450 pixels wide so that could be one of the reasons that your website home page looked as if something did not fit.

    It could be there is some code corruption or error which is causing the home page to shift the summaries all over the place.

    The code to have an image link to another webpage would be something like

    Example 1:

    <a target="_blank" href="">
    <img src="" >

    Example 2:

    <br><div align="center">
    <tr><td style="vertical-align:top;" >
    <a target="_blank" href="">
    <img src=""  width="100%" height="100%"">

    The image you want to show cannot be on someone else’s website as many hosting servers may block it from being displayed. The image has to be from your website.

    Please show me the code you have in the message area.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter skerali


    Here’s the code. I added Google “Events” tracking for stats.:

    <a href="" target="_blank" onClick="ga('send', 'event', 'banner', 'click’,’BottomOfPost690x173’,0, {'nonInteraction': 1});" ><img style="border:none;max-width:100%" src="" alt=“" /></a>
    <img width=0 height=0 src="" onload="ga('send', 'event', 'banner', 'impression','BottomOfPost690x173',0, {'nonInteraction': 1});"/>
    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi Sylvia,

    Just as a precaution can you try Deactivating and then Deleting the plugin and then reinstalling it again – the dpaBottomofPostPage plugin.

    Can you test with a smaller picture as the beysolangela.jpg is 690×173 pixels. That is 690 pixels wide.

    Can you just try this code, below, and see if you can see anything on your website? Do remove the original code including the Google “Events” tracking, just to see if this smaller image will show and the “The Test” text will show too.

    <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" ></a>
    <br>The Test<br>

    This picture on your website is 274×274 pixels so the web browser may not have any problems to display the picture and when you click on the picture it should send you to your other webpage.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi Sylvia,

    I checked both code, mine and the Google Events code by placing it in an html file. Just click on this link and then click on the images and see the response.

    I noticed that the Google Events code is pointing to which is the search engine page and not any analytics page or atleast some other webpage.

    Can you check the code again. Where did you download this code? May be it was not set up correctly?

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter skerali


    Hi Peter – I deleted and reinstalled the plugin; used a smaller image (680 px width then tried again with an image of 274 pix width) but the problem persisted.

    The “” link within the code is intentional and a placeholder. Eventually I will switch it out to be the real link where I want to send users.

    I’m using the same code on the homepage banner and the right rail image (274×274 px) right now on my site with no issues – so I don’t think the code is the issue. I obtained it from here:

    At this point I think it’s my theme that just isn’t playing nice with your plugin in. I have attached it in case you want to play with it but I’m also looking for an alternative in case you don’t have time to resolve.

    Thank you so much for all your help!

    Thread Starter skerali


    Sorry – realized I cannot attach the theme. I can send it to you via email or share it online. Let me know if you’d like me too and I will use Dropbox or something…

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi Sylvia,

    This code

    <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" ></a>
    <br>The Test<br>

    did not work? Without any other messages in the message area?

    Something is interfering.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi Sylvia,

    I inserted your code plus two additional breaks at the beginning <br><br>:-

    <br><br><a href="" target="_blank" onClick="ga('send', 'event', 'banner', 'click’,’BottomOfPost690x173’,0, {'nonInteraction': 1});" ><img style="border:none;max-width:100%" src="" alt=“" /></a>
    <img width=0 height=0 src="" onload="ga('send', 'event', 'banner', 'impression','BottomOfPost690x173',0, {'nonInteraction': 1});"/>

    into my experimental / testing website and it shows up clearly. There is a lot of testing junk on my website, do please ignore them. Please look at and if you click on the image it goes to

    Best Regards,

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