Hello Joy4581,
You might try using the development tools in your browser to inspect the tab element. Test the CSS attributes to get the tab to work the way you want it to. For example, try changing the attributes of .rum_sst_left
left: -2px;
-webkit-transform: rotate(270deg);
right: -128px;
-webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
Note 1: There are several browser versions for transform: rotate(). Find the one that works for your browser for testing but make sure to change all the values from 270 to 90.
Note 2: This will change the point of which the tab starts to render so the top element will need to be adjusted accordingly.
#rum_sst_tab {top: 345px;}
Once you have your settings, then you can write them out in your CSS after the original element CSS output to make the change permanent. I might add in an option to switch the display to the right but for now, it will be a manual adjustment.