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  • Hi KristineTP,

    I don’t see the search bar in the menu, but I do see the cart in there now.
    The only suggestion I would have is adding a height to the cart in menu so that the drop-down looks better: {
        height: 50px;

    If you want to add the search bar back I can take another look.


    Thread Starter KristineTP


    Hi Mikey,

    Yeah, I ended up just removing it. I was messing around a lot and eventually was trying to get it into the top bar (far right) area without looking weird, but it just ended up acting very bizarrely and screwing with the other nav up there, so I scrapped it.

    Thanks for helping me fix that cart drop-down! Worked like a charm!

    You wouldn’t have any idea how to do a couple of these other things, would you?

    1) Change the background of the top bar nav dropdown hover color (by Blog currently).
    2) Remove the cart from the main nav completely? I’ve tried some of the other solutions mentioned in searches for storefront cart removal (doing a removal via a function/action), but they don’t seem to want to work with what I’ve got going on. Hence, why I’m just leaving the cart in the main nav currently.

    Thanks again for the help!

    1) Change the background of the top bar nav dropdown hover color (by Blog currently).

    Here’s where it’s currently set:

    .woa-top-bar .block .widget_nav_menu ul li .sub-menu li a:hover {
        background: #e6e6e6;

    2) Remove the cart from the main nav completely? I’ve tried some of the other solutions mentioned in searches for storefront cart removal (doing a removal via a function/action), but they don’t seem to want to work with what I’ve got going on. Hence, why I’m just leaving the cart in the main nav currently.

    Have you tried this suggestion?

    Thread Starter KristineTP



    Thanks again for all your help! That background setting worked great – I just had to add the !important tag to get it to work in my child theme.

    I did try to use that cart removal function that you linked to. And I just can’t get it to work properly. It worked at one point for me, waaaay back in the annals of some of the changes I’ve made, but I can’t get it to work any longer.

    Although, now that I think about it…I did add in a plugin that aligns the menu right of the logo. So perhaps that’s what is making the cart unable to be removed??

    Thank you again for all your help – I really appreciate it.


    No worries! Can you try using the Code Snippets plugin to add the code to remove the cart?

    Here’s the code again:

    add_action( 'init', 'jk_remove_storefront_cart' );
    function jk_remove_storefront_cart() {
    remove_action( 'storefront_header', 'storefront_header_cart', 60 );

    I wonder if your theme’s functions.php has some broken code in it, which is why it’s not working. Using a plugin like Code Snippets should clear that up, and it’s an easier way to maintain your sites functions anyway ??


    can i get code to remove search box

    Stuart Duff – a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hey roxharris,

    This will remove the header search box from storefront for you.

    add_action( 'init', 'jk_remove_storefront_cart' );
    function jk_remove_storefront_cart() {
    remove_action( 'storefront_header', 'storefront_product_search', 40 );

    @stuart, thank you for your support here. Please i would like to have a css code to move the cart symbol close to the currency symbol and have the search bar remove from the default position to be after the cart symbol.

    Thank you.

    As per the Forum Welcome please start a new thread with your question.

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