• Hi,
    is it possbile to move the line containing infos about a post (such as author, date, tags, etc) on the bottom of the page instead of showing it under the title?

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  • open file parts/class-content-post.php , cut lines from 98 to 106 and past them on line 141


    Thread Starter daniele89


    Maybe I’m doing somothing wrong, but modifying the file in that way i get an error message and the site doesn’t works.

    Cause I’m not really espert in creating and managing sites, maybe I understood something in a wrong way.

    You mean the parts/class-content-post.php file in the /wp-content/themes/customizr folder, right?

    The lines from 98 to 106 should be:

    * The template part for displaying the posts header
         * @package Customizr
         * @since Customizr 3.0
        function tc_content_post_header() {
            <header class="entry-header">
            <?php //bubble color computation

    Are these the lines you suggested to cut and paste?

    yes, that’s the file, but the lines doesn’t match.

    Find this code

    <div class="entry-meta">
                <?php //meta not displayed on home page, only in archive or search pages
                    if ( !tc__f('__is_home') ) {
                        do_action( '__post_metas' );
            <div class="entry-meta">
                <?php //meta not displayed on home page, only in archive or search pages
                    if ( !tc__f('__is_home') ) {
                        do_action( '__post_metas' );
            </div><!-- .entry-meta -->

    cut and paste before this line

    <?php do_action( '__before_content' ); ?>
    Thread Starter daniele89


    In my file parts/class-content-post.php there isn’t the line

    <?php do_action( '__before_content' ); ?>

    And the piece of code you suggest to move is different in the second part. It looks so:

    <div class="entry-meta">
                    <?php //meta not displayed on home page, only in archive or search pages
                        if ( !tc__f('__is_home') ) {
                            do_action( '__post_metas' );
                        if ( is_single() ) {
                            edit_post_link( __( 'Edit' , 'customizr' ), '<span class="edit-link btn btn-inverse btn-mini">' , '</span>' );
                </div><!-- .entry-meta -->

    @daniele89 Try updating to the latest version of Customizr first.

    How do you update the version? I think I have the latest one and still am not able to figure out how to move those tags to the bottom of the post. ??



    I found out you have to put it before the <?php do_action( ‘__after_content’ ); ?> for it to work. ?? Thanks daniele89!

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