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  • Heya, thanks for reaching out, I’ll gladly help!

    The thing is, since you’ve mentioned that both your related posts and your social plugin appeared twice, once you edited your content.php file, I’m suspecting that you did not un-tick that box next to “Auto Insert Related Posts” in your plugin settings, which might have caused those problems.

    Can you try it again, with that box un-ticked, if indeed you had forgotten to do it beforehand?

    Let me know, I’m eager to help you out on this! Take care & have a nice day!


    Thread Starter cmlandry


    I did forget to untick the box. Thanks for the tip.

    I got them in the right order now, but the plugin is slammed up against the edge of the post. How do I create some space?

    Hey, glad to hear that worked out!

    As for that second problem you have — try adding the following code in your ‘Custom CSS’ window (in your plugin settings):

    .wp_rp_wrap .related_post_title {
    margin-left: 80px !important;
    ul.related_post {
    margin-left: 80px !important;
    ul.related_post li a {
    ul.related_post li img {

    You can change the margin with your own values (I’ve used “80px” in this case) and do remember to click on the ‘Save’ button before checking it out.

    Let me know how it goes! Take care!


    Thread Starter cmlandry


    Hi Silvo,

    I didn’t notice an issue that came up before. When I put the Related Posts shortcode in content.php, this made my homepage go wonky. It was listing all the related posts per post on the homepage. Since I have a grid layout, it looked pretty chaotic.

    I undid it, so you can’t see it now. I took a screenshot, but I don’t see a way to attach that here.

    I tried adding the shortcode to single.php instead but could only get the plugin to show up way high or way low.

    Any other ideas?



    Hmm, so your related posts were appearing on your homepage as well as inside of your posts, right? And now you just cannot get it right in the single.php file?

    I would be more than glad to take a look at the code myself, if possible. I’m sure there’s a way to move those related posts to the position you want, but it’s hard to guess the right position without having a look at the results immediately.

    Let me know what you think or if you have any questions what-so-ever?—?I’ll gladly help! Here’s my email address: support[at]zemanta[dot]com

    Take care & I’m looking forward to your reply!





    I’ll close this topic since it’s been two months from last reply.




    I am not sure if I should add here, or open a new thread.

    I have a very similar problem about positioning the related posts panel within single.php. uses a child theme of zbench.

    I am using the “Related Posts” v3.4.5 plugin and the Addthis Social Bookmarking Widget 3.5.9. also wordpress V 3.8.1

    I have edited the child theme version of single.php to add the add this code. I hve placed this before what looks like the related post invocation.

    <div class="add-info">
                            <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
                            <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_32x32_style">
                            <a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a>
                            <a class="addthis_button_twitter"></a>
                            <a class="addthis_button_google_plusone_share"></a>
                            <a class="addthis_button_delicious"></a>
                            <a class="addthis_button_email"></a>
                            <a class="addthis_button_print"></a>
                            <script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true};</script>
                            <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
                            <!-- AddThis Button END -->
                            <?php if(function_exists('st_related_posts')) { st_related_posts('title=<h3>'._e('Related Posts','zbench').'</h3>'); } ?>

    I’d have thought this would give me the buttons then the related post. It seems not. What shall I try next?

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