• Hello everyone!
    I’m trying to move the logo to the top of the page. I have been trying to mess around with header.php but I have been unsuccessful. If there is another way to do it please let me know, otherwise here is the header.php code:

     * The Header for our theme.
     * @package Wine
    global 	$THEMEREX_mainmenu, 
    		themerex_init_template();	// Init theme template - prepare global variables
    ?><!DOCTYPE html>
    <html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    	<meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>" />
    	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
    	<link rel="profile" href="https://gmpg.org/xfn/11" />
    	<link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ); ?>" />
    	<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="<?php echo get_custom_option('favicon') != '' ? get_theme_option('favicon') : get_template_directory_uri().'/images/favicon.ico'; ?>" />
    	<!--[if lt IE 9]>
    	<script src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/js/html5.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    	<?php wp_head(); ?>
    	$body_style =  get_custom_option('body_style');
    	$blog_style = get_custom_option('blog_style');
    	$side_bar = is_404() ? 'fullWidth' : get_custom_option('show_sidebar_main');
    	$slider_show	= get_custom_option('slider_show')=='yes';
    	$pagination_style = get_theme_option('blog_pagination');
    	$show_user_header = get_custom_option('show_user_header')=='yes';
    	$class_array  = array();
    	//body class / theme color style
    	$class_array[] = get_custom_option('color_scheme_theme');
    	//sideBar menu position left/right
    	$class_array[] = $side_bar;
    	$class_array[] = $side_bar != 'fullWidth' ? 'sideBarShow' : '';
    	$class_array[] = get_custom_option('menu_style') != '' ? 'menuStyle'.get_custom_option('menu_style') : 'menuStyle1';
    	$class_array[] = sc_param_is_on(get_custom_option('menu_smart_scroll')) ? 'menuSmartScrollShow' : '';
    	//blog style
    	$class_array[] = 'blogStyle'.(strpos($blog_style,'portfolio') !== false ? 'Portfolio' : 'Excerpt');
    	//boxed, body style
    	$class_array[] = ' bodyStyle'.ucfirst($body_style);
    	$class_array[] = $show_user_header ? 'userHeaderShow' : '';
    	//BG style
    	if ( $body_style == 'boxed') {
    		//background custom style
    		if( get_custom_option('bg_image') != '' && get_custom_option('bg_image') != 0 ) {
    			$class_array[] = 'bgImage_'. get_custom_option('bg_image');
    		} else if( get_custom_option('bg_pattern') != '' && get_custom_option('bg_pattern') != 0) {
    			$class_array[] = 'bgPattern_'. get_custom_option('bg_pattern');
    	//main top menu position & style
    	$class_array[] = get_custom_option('menu_position') == 'Fixed' ? 'menuStyle'.get_custom_option('menu_position') : '';
    	$class_array[] = get_custom_option('menu_display').'MenuDisplay';
    	$class_array[] = get_custom_option('logo_type').'Style';
    	$class_array[] = get_custom_option('logo_background') == 'yes' ? 'logoStyleBG' : '';
    	$class_array[] = $slider_show ? 'sliderShow' : '';
    	//echo style/class
    	$style = !empty($style_array) ? 'style="background: '.join(' ', $style_array).'"' : '';
    	$class = !empty($class_array) ? ' '.join(' ', $class_array) : '';
    	function getLogo(){
    		global $logo_image;
    		$home_url = get_home_url();
    		if( get_custom_option('logo_type') == 'logoImage'){ 
    			$logo = '<a href="'. $home_url .'"><span class="logoImg"><img src="'.$logo_image.'" alt="" /></span></a>';
    		} else { 
    			$logo = '<a href="'. $home_url .'"><span class="logoImg">'.get_custom_option('title_logo').'</span></a>';
    		return '<div class="logoHeader">'
    			.'<span class="logo_bg_size"></span>
    	function getSubTitle(){
    		if( get_custom_option('sub_title_logo') != '' && sc_param_is_on(get_custom_option('sub_title_logo_show'))){ 
    			return '<div class="subTitle"><div class="main">'.get_custom_option('sub_title_logo').'</div></div>';
    ?><body <?php body_class(); ?>>
    <?php do_action('before'); ?>
    <div id="wrap" class="wrap <?php echo esc_attr($class); ?>" <?php echo esc_attr($style); ?>>
    <div id="wrapBox" class="wrapBox">
    	<header id="header" <?php echo $THEMEREX_mainmenu_right ? 'class="logoSeparator"' : ''; ?>>
    		<?php if ( get_custom_option('menu_position') == 'Fixed' && get_custom_option('main_menu_show') == 'yes' && $THEMEREX_mainmenu)  { ?>
    			<div class="menuFixedWrapBlock"></div>
    				<div class="menuFixedWrap">
    		<?php }  ?>
    					<a href="#"></a>
    				<?php if ( get_custom_option('main_menu_show') == 'yes' && $THEMEREX_mainmenu)  { ?>
    					<a href="#"></a>
    				<?php } 
    				// user menu Area
    				if( get_custom_option('show_user_menu') == 'yes' ) { ?>
    					<div class="userMenuArea">
    						<a href="#"></a>
    						<div class="userMenuWrap">
    								global $THEMEREX_usermenu_show;
    								$THEMEREX_usermenu_show = false;
    				<?php }  
    				//show main top menu
    				if ( get_custom_option('main_menu_show') == 'yes' && $THEMEREX_mainmenu )  { ?>
    				<div class="wrapTopMenu">
    					<div class="topMenu main">
    							echo $THEMEREX_mainmenu; 
    							if( $THEMEREX_mainmenu_right ){
    								echo $THEMEREX_mainmenu_right;
    				<?php } else { 
    					echo do_shortcode('[trx_infobox style="error"]'.__('Main menu has not been set. Please navigate to Appearance -> Menus and create/set main menu','themerex').'[/trx_infobox]');
    		if ( get_custom_option('menu_position') == 'Fixed' && get_custom_option('main_menu_show') == 'yes' && $THEMEREX_mainmenu)  { ?>
    		</div> <!-- /menuFixedWrap -->
    		<?php } 
    		echo '<div class="logoWrap">'.getLogo().getSubTitle().'</div>';
    		$top_widget = (get_custom_option('show_sidebar_top') == 'yes' && is_active_sidebar( get_custom_option('sidebar_top')));
    		if( $top_widget ){ ?>
    	<div class="topWidget">
    		<div class="main">
    			<?php  // ---------------- top sidebar ----------------------
    			if ( $top_widget  ) { 
    					do_action( 'before_sidebar' );
    					if ( !dynamic_sidebar( get_custom_option('sidebar_top') ) ) {
    						// Put here html if user no set widgets in sidebar
    			} ?>
    		</div><!-- /top widget -->
    	<?php } 
    	//------------------- category & breadcrumbs -------------------
    	$show_description_lable = sc_param_is_on( get_custom_option('description_lable_show'));
    	$show_breadcrumbs = sc_param_is_on(get_custom_option('show_breadcrumbs'));
    	$catTitle = getBlogTitle(); 
    	if( ( $show_description_lable || $show_breadcrumbs || empty($catTitle) ) && is_category()  ){
    		$catStyle = get_custom_option('description_lable_style'); ?>
    		<div class="topTitle <?php echo 'subCategoryStyle'.($catStyle != '' ? $catStyle : 1).($show_breadcrumbs ? ' showBreadcrumbs' : '' ); ?>">
    			//category title & description
    			if (is_category() && $show_description_lable ) { 
    				$catDescription = get_queried_object() -> category_description;
    				if($catTitle || $catDescription){ ?>
    					<div class="subCategory">
    						<h1 class="categoryTitle main"><?php echo esc_attr($catTitle) ?></h1>
    						<?php echo esc_attr($catDescription) ? '<div class="categoryDescription main">'.$catDescription.'</div>' : '' ?>
    			if ( $show_breadcrumbs ) { ?>
    			<div class="breadcrumbs main">
    				<?php showBreadcrumbs( array('home' => __('Home', 'themerex'), 'truncate_title' => 50 ) ); ?>
    	<?php }
    	//------------------- category & breadcrumbs -------------------
    	//user header
    	if ($show_user_header) {
    		$user_header = themerex_strclear(get_custom_option('user_header_content'), 'p');
    		$user_bg = get_custom_option('user_header_bg');
    		if (!empty($user_header)) {
    			$user_header = substituteAll($user_header); ?>
    			<div class="userHeaderSection" <?php echo esc_attr($user_bg) != '' ?  'style="background-color:'.$user_bg.'"' : ''; ?>>
    				<?php echo do_shortcode($user_header); ?>
    	<div class="wrapContent">
    		<div id="wrapWide" class="wrapWide">
    			<!--[if lt IE 9]>
    			<?php echo '<center>'.do_shortcode("[trx_infobox style='info' title='Your browser needs to be updated.' closeable='no']
    				[trx_columns indent='no' columns='4']
    				[trx_column_item][trx_icon icon='icon-chrome' align='center' box_style='circle' size='30' bottom='5']<a href='https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/' target='_blank' rel="noopener noreferrer">Chrome</a>[/trx_column_item]
    				[trx_column_item][trx_icon icon='icon-safari' align='center' box_style='circle' size='30' bottom='5']<a href='https://support.apple.com/kb/dl1531' target='_blank' rel="noopener noreferrer">Safari</a>[/trx_column_item]
    				[trx_column_item][trx_icon icon='icon-firefox' align='center' box_style='circle' size='30' bottom='5']<a href='https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/' target='_blank' rel="noopener noreferrer">FireFox</a>[/trx_column_item]
    				[trx_column_item][trx_icon icon='icon-ie' align='center' box_style='circle' size='30' bottom='5']<a href='https://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/internet-explorer/download-ie' target='_blank' rel="noopener noreferrer">Internet Exp</a>.[/trx_column_item]
    			[/trx_infobox]").'</center>'; ?>
    			<div class="content">
    				$fstyle = strpos($blog_style,'portfolio') !== false;
    				echo ($body_style == 'boxed' &&  $side_bar != 'fullWidth' && !$fstyle ) ? '<div class="main">' : '' ?>

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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