Hi Laura Again I am grateful for your kind help. However I do not appear to be making much progress.
The website I am trying to get correct is https://eac.eu.com/newsite
Up until a couple of days ago I had all of my pages apart from the home page with linking menus to items in that section by when publishing a page making it a child of the main header page. For example EAC History under Page Attributes showed About EAC as the Parent page. This created a menu on the right hand side of the page detailing all of the pages that were children of the main page for example if you can look at https://eac.eu.com/newsite/join-eac
you should see a main page with a menu of pages down the right hand column.
Now everytime I edit a page I am losing the right hand side menu.
I have used the plugin Custom CSS it now reads
/*-- Enter your custom CSS below --*/
body {
font family: helvetica,verdana,arial,serif
font size: 12px,
#sidebar {
width: 580px !important;
float: left
margin-left: 5px;
margin-top: 20px;
#sidebar.widget {
width: 320px !important;
Which has got to be incorrect.
This all started trying to move the content in the left hand content area a little to the right to prevent the first letter half disappearing. Now I am in a bigger mess having lost my important menu’s down the right hand side
I appreciate I am asking an awful lot but can you have a look at this for me please and try to help me get these menu’s back
I shall be your humble servant for the rest of my life (it should be shorter than yours I haven’t got many birthdays left as one of my dear friends tells me each birthday :-)) Just don’t give me a job that needs kneeling my tin knees don’t fully bend as a result of MRSA but that is another story.