• Hi all!
    I have expirenced some problems while using the “more tag” feature of wordpress 2.5. Specifically, it happens that when I want to use the “more” feature to divide this text:

    some text
    other text

    wordpress produces this output

    some text

    which obviously breaks my layout.
    A quirk trick to workaround this problem is this:

    Add this function somewhere in your function.php file (usually located in your own style’s directory, under wp-content/themes/YOURLOOK/functions.php)

    function close_dangling_tags($html){
      #put all opened tags into an array
      preg_match_all("#<([a-z]+)( .*)?(?!/)>#iU",$html,$result);
      #put all closed tags into an array
      $len_opened = count($openedtags);
      for($i=0;$i < $len_opened;$i++) {
        if ($openedtags[$i]!="" && !in_array($openedtags[$i],$closedtags)){
          $html .= '</'.$openedtags[$i].'>';
      $len_closed = count($closedtags);
      for($i=0;$i < $len_opened;$i++) {
        if ($closedtags[$i]!="" && !in_array($closedtags[$i],$openedtags)){
          $html = '<'.$closedtags[$i].'>' . $html;
      return $html;

    And add this lines, where the more tag is causing you problem. You’ll usually have to replace the <?php the_content(); ?> block with the following one, search and replace for it in the file wp-content/themes/YOURLOOK/index.php)

    old block

    <?php the_content(); ?>

    new block

    					    	$the_content_text = ob_get_contents();
    						echo close_dangling_tags($the_content_text); ?>

    It works. It would be very useful to build up a single plugin based on this hack, if you’d like to do it, then you’re welcome!

    Best regards from Italy,

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