• Hi! I love your theme, however I am just wondering if there is a way I can add more parallax sections on the homepage? Thanks!

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  • Hello ashchiew,

    For this you need to customize template-front-page.php

    First you need to make Child Theme, It’s preety simple.

    Then, copy paste the template-front-page.php file in Child theme directory and follow these steps.
    1. Open the pasted file.
    2. Copy & paste the HTML for full division box [Line:38 to 47] anywhere you want. like before

    <?php  $ctameta = get_post_meta( $post->ID,'_skt_calltoaction_metabox',true );


    <!-- full-division-box -->


    <?php if(have_posts()) : ?>


    <!-- full-client-box -->

    3. Change the id “full-division-box” and class “full-bg-image-fixed”, say “full-division-box2” and “full-bg-image-fixed2”

    4. Replace the following line from the pasted code with your HTML

    <?php if(sketch_get_option($invert_shortname."_para_content_left")) { echo sketch_get_option($invert_shortname."_para_content_left");} ?>

    5. Write this CSS in child theme style.css

    #full-division-box2 {
      overflow: hidden;
      position: relative;
    .full-bg-image-fixed2 {
      background-image: url("url-to-your-image");
      background-position: 50% 50%;
      background-attachment: fixed;
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      background-size: cover;
      bottom: 0;
      left: 0;
      overflow: hidden;
      position: absolute;

    6. Finally, write this code in any custom JS plugin

      jQuery('.full-bg-image-fixed1').parallax("center", 0.2);

    Gunjan rai Kanungo

    Thread Starter ashchiew


    Ok, does this still work if I have to make up to 8 parallaxs?

    yes, It will work without any problem. But for the more no. of sections write the CSS and js in following way

    #full-division-box2, #full-division-box3, #full-division-box-n-th {
    .full-bg-image-fixed2, .full-bg-image-fixed3 {
    /* And to set different image to any section write this afterwards */
    .full-bg-image-fixed3 {
      background-image: url("url-to-your-image");
      jQuery('.full-bg-image-fixed2, .full-bg-image-fixed3, -n-th').parallax("center", 0.2);

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