I appreciate the response, but I’ve already moved on and implemented another solution. As evidenced by many other recent reviews, I’m not alone in being very frustrated with this plugin.
If you want a more specific issue, it’s pretty much the same as several others have mentioned… plugin was working fine with my theme and the small number of plugins I use for the site I had this one. Upgraded the plugin today, which supposedly was a minor upgrade from the version that was already working, and then it broke the galleries. Click on a thumbnail image in the gallery and the image simply opens by itself… no lightbox and forcing the visitor to hit the back button to get back to the gallery page. Went through all the settings yet again, tried various lightbox and fancybox settings and nothing changed the behavior. No other plugins updates or themes have been applied and it was working just fine before this minor upgrade you just released.
So, I just gave up in frustration and went back to the more basic gallery included with my theme, but works just fine with its own lightbox display allow easy navigation and slideshow through all gallery images. This is simply not worth any more of my time, as it has happened several times in the past with upgrades as well, although I could usually mess around with the settings and get it working again before (don’t know why upgrades would screw up and make you go back and change settings again, but it did several times).
As a bit of a plugin developer myself, I realize it can be very difficult to have to deal with conflicts with other plugins/themes, and there is no possible way to test out every combination, so I feel for you in that respect! I do not envy the workload that having a very popular plugin must demand. I just don’t want to spend any more of my time trying to troubleshoot issues with your plugin, as it has happened too many times.