Thanks for reaching out?@texasfixer. As I mentioned over email, we’re happy to help out, but our developer who built the plugin (and answers technical questions) is out of the office on leave for the next several weeks.
I’ll be sure to circle up with him when he’s back and someone from our team will respond here.
Thanks for being patient with me Troy. I just got back from parental leave today, and David was able to fill me in on the situation.
I’d love to get a few more details from you so I can help troubleshoot the issue. Would you mind answering these questions:
Are you actively using the plugin on the website to list volunteer opportunities? It looks like you switched to a different approach, but I wanted to be sure.
When you were listing the volunteer opportunities using our plugin, were you doing that on the homepage of the site, or one of the internal pages?
If you were displaying the opportunities on the site’s homepage, would you mind trying to show them on an internal page? We did a little testing, and we’re curious if the location where the opportunities are shown might be part of the problem.
Once I get more details I should be able to recommend some next steps. Thanks again for your patience while I was out!
Are you actively using the plugin on the website to list volunteer opportunities? It looks like you switched to a different approach, but I wanted to be sure. – No, since it was not working, I had to come up with another way to display the opportunities
When you were listing the volunteer opportunities using our plugin, were you doing that on the homepage of the site, or one of the internal pages? – Home page
If you were displaying the opportunities on the site’s homepage, would you mind trying to show them on an internal page? We did a little testing, and we’re curious if the location where the opportunities are shown might be part of the problem. That is the issue. If I have the list on an internal page, it will show fine and progress to the next page, but when set to be the home page, it will not move to the next page.
Thanks for the quick response Troy. We spent some time digging into the code and see exactly what’s going on. It turns out WordPress handles pagination one way when it’s output on internal pages, blog posts and other types of content, while handling it using a different approach on static homepages. So the pagination works correctly for internal pages, but doesn’t when volunteer opportunities are shown on a static homepage.
First of all, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We really appreciate when users reach out about bugs. That allows us to record them and prioritize fixing them with our other work.
As far as next steps, you have a few options:
You can list the volunteer opportunities on an internal page, and link to that page from the homepage with a button or text link.
You can avoid pagination entirely by changing the number of volunteer opportunities that display per page. For example, right now your website is displaying 20 volunteer opportunities. You could change your Reading settings to adjust the number of opportunities shown per page to something like 50. That way, pagination would only show up if you end up exceeding that number. You can see the setting I’m referring to in the screenshot below.
In the meantime, our team will record and prioritize fixing that bug, so the pagination works correctly no matter where the opportunities are shown. I can’t provide a timeline for a fix though since this will need to fit in among the other projects we have going on.
Let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to help you iron out one of the approaches I mentioned above.
Hi again Troy. I wanted to let you know that today we released an update to our volunteer management plugin that fixes the pagination issue you brought up.
Please give it a shot and let us know how it works for you.