• Is this an editor alone or does it have IDE aspects such as debugging?

    Particularly interested if the latter, and a silver bullet for me would be “context” roll back, on critical failure. I wonder if there is anything like that built in, or planned?

    Again if the latter, on a more fundamental level does tool methodology permit a rollback function on white screen at all, or is it integral to the WordPress interface such that white-screen would close access to any such options?

    I guess I am imagining as a “best case solution” as a domain installed solution, that is wordpress aware but outside of the installation, thus bypassing failure in the WP setting that destroys the interface, though I am not bound to such an architecture.

    By “context” roll back, I am thinking in terms of a built in functionality that “stepping through code” (assuming there is this functionality) would track data changes and file changes such that rollback could be automated or executed by the user, on error.


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  • Right now it’s more of an editor I suppose.

    There is no debugging at this stage and to be honest it’s not something I’ve thought about in great depth.

    Editing PHP files on a staging or live website is dangerous because you only need to do one syntax error and you have the “white screen of death” and you’re locked out of WordPress until you modify that PHP file using SSH/FTP.

    I’ve done it my self more times than I can count which is why syntax checking of PHP documents before they get saved was high on my list. It wasn’t easy to do in a way that is flexible to work on most web servers (no shell access to the PHP process). But I managed to find a PHP class that is meant for parsing PHP documents, which will fail if the syntax isn’t valid.

    So hopefully no “white screen of death” when using WPide to edit your site! That’s not to say it’s still not possible but it hasn’t happened to me since adding the syntax check before save.

    For stepping through code it’s probably going to require additional PHP modules, something like APD https://php.net/apd which won’t work on a default PHP install. So I can’t see this feature being added any time soon!

    Version control using Git is high on my list so maybe reverting commits through that is a possibility.

    Actually, thinking about it: every file you edit is backed up once per hour and once per day. It’s perfectly possible for the editor to keep a reference to those backups and providing you don’t close the editor have the option to restore that file. Obviously the restore would have to be done outside of the WordPress install. But this could be achieved by adding some meta info to the backup PHP file including some kind of a hash/nonce and when the PHP backup file is requested (directly) with a successful has the file could be restored. The backups are there, might as well open up access to them I suppose (without using FTP).

    Sorry about going on there but sometimes it’s good to get these ideas down.

    I’ve just added the facility to restore a recently backed up PHP file which will work even if you do break your WordPress install somehow.

    I will try and write a separate forum post to let people know about the feature because syntax checking + being able to easily restore a recent automated backup are damn handy when editing a running WordPress site!

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