More intelligble instructions please
SUGGESTION: Please write instructions that don’t require that one is a programming expert in order to understand them.
Example of an unintelligible instruction: I wanted to add a “read more” link to Excerpts.
The instruction (at was
“To generate a link include the following code in the loop directly below <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
a href=”<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>”> Read More…</a
[I had to take away the first and last sign in the code to prevent if from being executed here]
This is completely incrompenhensible to ordinary people.
Question1: Where does one find <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
Question2: Is it really enough to put the code as it is given without the URL to the “read more” page.For the good reputation of WordPress it is better if you separate instructions into two categories:
a) Instructions for full time WordPress programming experts
b) Intstructions for ordinary users who don’t know anything about programming.Please make more features userfriendly for the non-programmer by writing intelligible instructions.
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