• I love P2 style, posting right on the page, and the threaded comments.
    I would LOVE to see a few more features added that would make it perfect.
    if in the interface,to have functionality like Tumblr and Facebook, for inserting, links, video, picture etc.. with the same simplistic approach they take in the update box.

    Also, categories available on the live page, or as an option, per post.

    Also a DELETE button available on each entry too!

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  • OK – all this has already sort of been touched on…

    I have in beta an ability to add pictures… albeit a little hacky… and doesn’t work in all browsers for some DIV reasons!

    the categories should not be hard to add. it’s buried in functions.php and post-form.php

    DELETE button would be nice. All you can to is edit an entry and then remove the contents.

    We’re working on lots of nice enhancements to P2 and will unveil them with the next release – or if you like, check out the svn repository: https://svn.automattic.com/wpcom-themes/p2/

    any updates on the next release for P2? The attachment feature is greatly missing by so many.

    Delete button accomplished:

    Add this into your entry.php file:

    <?php if (current_user_can('edit_post', $post->ID)) echo "| <a href='" . wp_nonce_url("/wp-admin/post.php?action=delete&post=$id", 'delete-post_' . $post->ID) . "'>Delete post</a>" ?>

    OR FOR JUST ADMIN delete-ability:

    <?php if (current_user_can('level_10')) echo "| <a href='" . wp_nonce_url("/wp-admin/post.php?action=delete&post=$id", 'delete-post_' . $post->ID) . "'>Delete post</a>" ?>

    (keep in mind that upgrading P2 will wipe out your changes!)

    @dlopeman: That code doesn’t work. I got excited for a moment about it but clicking on ‘Delete post’ directs the user to a screen that says ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ with a link below saying ‘Try again’. The only thing the user can do is click ‘Try again’ which takes you back to the site homepage.

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