• Serious bug. Caused in more-settings-field-object.php:81, due to a call to a deprecated function that messes with settings for the TinyMCE instance.

    To fix it I’ve commented out this line. Not sure if that will mess with More Fields functionality, but works for me for now.

    I suggest updating More Fields to stop using this deprecated function (since 3.3) and switch to the wp_editor function.


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  • Danno040


    Did you mean ‘more-fields-settings-object.php’?

    I was having an issue where TinyMCE was not loading at all for any my WYSIWYG fields. I actually rolled up my sleeves and updated More Fields to use wp_editor. If you want, you can check out my More Fields fork on GitHub.

    I have the same issue. This plugin messed me up and wasterd time till I found it is that makes some editor buttons disappear.

    @danno040 I tried your fork, but still some buttons from the editor are missing when this plugin is activated.

    Commenting the line @ericlewis suggested works for now as a patch.


    Indeed. I see that in my fork, I didn’t pass the DFW argument to the wp_editor call. Once I changed that, the full screen button disappeared. I’m trying to find some documentation about what DFW actually needs in order to display correctly. Hopefully, we can get this fixed so everyone can use the WYSIWYG editor.

    I simply could not get DFW to work with multiple editors. Removing the deprecated function call to wp_tiny_mce allowed regular fullscreen to function, so I’m going to call it good. This has been committed to my fork on GitHub.

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