• joshuaclinard


    I think it is time for an upgrade to these forums. I am tired of my requests to the admin going unanswered. One of my requests resulted in a security threat to my site. I am very concerned about the future of this site, and it appears that the admin do not care about supporting the product. Feature requests for this forum have been ignored. I am considering opening my own wordpress support forum, using either vB or phpBB. I would actually LISTEN to my members and implement the features they request, unlike the admins at this site. I would prefer not to have to open my own board, but to prevent me from doing so, the admins will have to start listening to us. I think it would be best to move to phpBB or vB here. We have over 1400 members! And that does not include the guest posts. I think everyone would find the forum much more useful if it had more features. I see a lot of people discussing wp on cafelog’s forum for that simple reason. We need a single place where we can all get help.
    Things that we need in a forum:
    Ability to PM
    Ability to edit thread titles
    Also, guests posts should be disallowed. It is a security threat to have them enabled
    Better postbit
    Postbit appears on right side of post?

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  • anatman


    I was looking for a BB to run on my (very small traffic) site, and i came across this thread which made me look at miniBB. To those wondering why, oh why the developers chose it for this forum, one suggestion:
    Download miniBB (90k), then reade the manual’s “introduction” section. If you substitute “miniBB” for “WP”, the text makes all the sense.
    Not that i wouldn’t like PMs here, nevertheless…



    The problem here is that the community has grown beyond what the devs originally wanted and planned for – they wanted something ‘mini’ but its fast becoming ‘maxi’. Best way to deal with this would be to make sure 1.2 is full of bugs to put off any more new users, or for us all to stop posting. ??



    Go ahead and start a board. What the heck, that’s what I did when I found Blogger support to not exist. That was my opinion of Blogger, and certainly doesn’t apply here. Nonetheless, I started https://www.bloggerforum.com to fit a niche that I saw needed to be filled. If you think that’s the case, then go for it.



    i would have to agree an upgrade in forums would be a nice change. for the specific reason i find with opera, this board to be buggy, posts dont go through, i multi post cus they dont show up, its odd, i dont have these problems on other boards, other sites, or in other browsers, but thats my reason for change i dont know if you all experiance the same.
    but it looks as if they are set in their ways about this board and i dont really see it changing any time soon. gl though, keep us posted if you start a new one ??



    weird. i use opera all the time. on this forum too. never had a problem.
    maybe u got a real good cache… remember your keyboard has a key F5! :O)

    Thread Starter joshuaclinard


    I have started an “unofficial ” WordPress support forum that uses the excellent vBulletin software, and I will actually listen to my users and try to implement any of their suggestions. The URL is below. Please come and visit. This URL is only temporary. If the forum gets very active, I will buy a domain name for the forum.



    I thought punBB looked pretty cool as a lightweight but more feature-full solution.



    The markup will probably need some tweaking to get your blessing, but it seemed quite fast.

    PunBB does look interesting. This to-do list for the upcoming PunBB 1.2 release notes that markup is now valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Valid XHTML and CSS coupled with a carefully selected feature set suggests a good fit with WordPress, at least philosophically if nothing else.

    I agree with some of what has been said. I am glad the “admins” are spending more time on the actual product itself. I look forward to the many useful changes they make to WP. But having a good support system is key to maintaining a successful product, whether it be free or not. These forums are good, but could be better for the hapless soul in search of assistance.
    A few features that would make the forums just a little better are email notifications and thread subscriptions. It would make it easier for us all to keep track of the main issues we are concerned with. I am one who browses all the posts, but if I get busy and miss a day, then I end up with a mound of posts to weed through to find where mine was to see if someone has replied.
    We don’t need a ton of features, but the few I mentioned would certainly be extremely helpful to the WP community. Having a good support system, will in time bring more WP users, because they know they have a sound place to come in search of help. Newbies and the less computer savy folk will get discouraged if they feel they can’t find the help they need when they come to the forums.
    But other than that, I am happy to be a WP convert and I will keep visiting the forums. Every time I come in to browse I find something else that is useful to me. I just wish it was easier to keep track of my posts.

    You can subscribe to threads using a feedreader, since all the threads have a unique RSS feed. If you are looking for something that can be integrated with your own WP blog, may I suggest my subscriptions hack. It does not use email, but once it is setup and running, checking if you have a reply is easy.

    There’s one thing very annoying with this forum : “#thread li {height: 100%;}” in forum.css makes it barely readable in MSIE5 which I’m condamned to use at work ?? (it display a post every 2 or 3 meters, and reading a thread gets very scroll-down intensive ??
    I admit also I find the editing features a bit limited and posts with code lines are often difficult to read. But besides this, I’m much more pleased by the software and its community I discovered a few weeks ago, than willing to see things changing. Thanks again developpers & helpers for this (and be prepared for my upcoming site I’m moving onto WP ! ??

    Just wondering if there were any developments on the punBB issue, and whether we were going to get a new forum software..
    On that note, I think the biggest thing I miss about miniBB is the ability to see
    1) Who created the Thread
    2) What time was the last post made..

    who created the thread is the first person who posted.
    and i can see the time u posted the last post on this thread…

    Nope, the time listed on your post (now mine) is the time of the last post ??

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