• Resolved zarintasnim


    Hello, in the checkout page we have activated Paypal, ideal and bank transfer but only for ideal the label and icon are showing, there is no label or icon for Paypal or bank transfer so it’s a problem for customers to recognize which option is which payment, Please help me to fix it.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter zarintasnim


    I see there are some lines of code is missing in paypal and bank transfer label part, can you guys please fix that?

    Bank transfer Label:

    <label for="payment_method_mollie_wc_gateway_banktransfer">

    Paypal Label:

    <label for="payment_method_mollie_wc_gateway_paypal">

    Ideal Label:

    <label for="payment_method_mollie_wc_gateway_ideal">
    		iDEAL <svg style="float:right" width="32" height="24" viewBox="0 0 32 24" fill="none" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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    <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0V12.5212H8.30034C10.1134 12.4942 11.5498 12.0462 12.569 11.1836C13.8086 10.1345 14.4372 8.47817 14.4372 6.26058C14.4372 5.20054 14.2719 4.24969 13.9458 3.4345C13.6339 2.65466 13.173 1.9916 12.5758 1.46371C11.5241 0.534015 10.0479 0.031316 8.30034 0.00275604C8.30034 0.0027402 5.53356 0.00182163 0 0Z" transform="translate(8.77417 5.73972)" fill="white"></path>
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    Plugin Support Syde Niklas



    Thanks for the information.
    We would like to learn more about your site configuration to reproduce this behavior.
    Can you please contact us directly with your WooCommerce System Report and a link to this thread by clicking here. Thanks!

    Kind regards,

    the payment icons are missing on my woocommerce shop too… paypal, creditcard, sofort – no icons are showing up. plugin is up2date. in the backend the plugins of all active payment methods are missing aswell (the others are showing up – strange)

    Andreas W.


    Hello @quoup

    we try to reproduce it and fix it asap if this issue belongs to our plugin.


    Andreas W.


    Hello @quoup @zarintasnim

    we just tested it and on our side, all is working fine and all plugins showing up. Can you please deactivate for testing only all other plugins except WooCommerce and Mollie. Also please try to use the theme storefront. If you are not using version 5.9.0 please update it asap.

    Best regards

    thank you – please keep me updated.

    Just did what you said – deactivated all plugins except woo and mollie, switched to storefront – Problem remaining. I also tested it on a test installation where it is working fine. What we did yesterday was switching to another Server using Duplicator Pro – maybe something went wrong on the migration.

    is there a way to delete and reinstall the mollie plugin entirely (tried it, but settings and everything remains – icons still missing).

    Andreas W.


    Hello @quoup

    currently, we are working on a method so all entries will be deleted when uninstalling the plugin.

    You can search for it in the table options for ‘%mollie%’ and then remove these entries manually.


    well to be honest i dont feel comfortable to do this in the database +gg+

    i tried something else, maybe this helps… i used wp rollback plugin to go back to a oder version of the plugin – one version after another. With Version 5.8.1 the icons are displayed again (directly after the label, not right aligned, but at least they are showing up). Well thats not a final solution. when i update the plugin to the actual version, the icons disappear.

    what can we do to solve this? thank you!

    Andreas W.


    Hello @quoup

    we will publish a new version asap and hope to solve that issue. Yesterday I made a few tests with the new version and all was working fine for me. Please give us a few more day so we can prepare the new update.

    Best regards

    thank you – please keep me updated ??

    Andreas W.


    Of course, we will

    I’m having the same issue over here. No Payment Method icons anymore while they are enabled. Only plain text…

    Andreas W.



    we will publish a new version asap and hope to solve that issue. Yesterday I made a few tests with the new version and all was working fine for me. Please give us a few more days so we can prepare the new update.

    Best regards



    @aweissinpsyde Allright, thanks for the update. Looking forward to the new version!

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